Chapter 1: New Beginings.

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Charlotte's POV:

"Charley. Charley wake up." My 4 1/2 year old sister comes in my room and jumps on me.

"Mommy!!!" My 5 year old daughter comes over to me.

"Morning girls." I say and sit up in my bed.

"Charlotte, we have school let's go." My twin brother says. "Come here, Lydia and Nevaeh." He says and they follow him down stairs.

My first day at my new school yeah. I put my black skinny jeans on, then a black bando with a white laced/see through shirt on. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and put it into a braid. I am not one for make up so I just grab my black and purple binie and I go down stairs.

"Morning mom." I say as I walk into the kitchen to grab, my breakfast, the girls diner and my car keys.

"Mommy, Charley Alex, daddy is on tv again!" Lydia yells across the house. My mom goes into the living room to see it.

I to the closet and put socks and my good black boots on, then I make sure the girls have all their stuff and I shove it in the car.

"Look mommy. It's papa." Nevaeh says pointing to the screen. On the screen is Ellen and Ed Sheeren. My step-dad but Lydia's real dad. Yep that's right Ed-Sheeren is my step-dad.

"K, girls let's go we don't wanna be late for our first day." Alex, the girls and I head to the car. And we go to school. We drop the girls off first then head to our school.

"So this is it. California high." Alex says as we get out the car.

"Yep. But remember, say nothing about dad, or Nevaeh to anyone." He nods and we walk to the office to get our schedule and go to our first class.

"Good morning class. My name is Mr.Morgan, I will be your english teacher this year. This semester you will be partnered with someone. Your names are on the board. Quickly sit with the person that you have been assigned with."

I look at the board and scroll down the list till I find my name. Charlotte Dwan with Griffen Dule. I look around to see If I can find this Griffen guy.

"Are you Charlotte?" Some guy asked.

"Yeah. Can you help me find my partner?"

"I am Griffen, nice to meet you." He says and held out his hand. I shoke it and we took a seat.

"Good. Now everyone will say there name and something about them." The teacher said. People around the class say their names and something 'interesting' about them then is comes to our table. There is 2 groups at each table.

"I think everybody knows who I am, but if not I am Landon. The hotest most popular guy in school. Something interesting about me is that I am captain for basketball, baseball, and soccer, as well as my father is a huge buissness man and we are filthy rich." Spoiled brat. I can tell he is gonna bother me anyways. I thought.

"My name is Christina, Something interesting about me is that I don't put up with Bull-shit very well. So I am warning you in advance. Do not mess with me." I like her. She sat back down beside me.

"Hello My name is Charlotte but you can call me Charley. And I just moved here from Canada. And this is my 4th school that I have ever been a student at." I say and sit down.

"My name is Griffen, and I am gay and I am proud of it. Oh and by the way I think Ed Sheeren  is the sexiest man alive. Well it's between Ed Sheeren and Alex Young. Oh Hot Damn." He stats and sits down. I don't mind that he is gay. I like him better now, but it's the fact that he called my dad, well step-dad sexy. It's kinda awkard. (A/N- I made up this Alex guy. He is a celebrate. And he is a different Alex, than Charlotte's brother.)

The class begun and was over. Before I even knew it, the lunch bell rang and Griffen and I headed to lunch.

"Hey." Griffen says to some people as we walk over and sit with them. Some I recognize from class like Christina.

"Hey, Griffen and Charley isn't it?" Christina said.


"Guess what I got." This guy stands up and waves something in Griffen's face.

"No way. You got 2 tickets to see Ed Sheeren's concert on Saturday. How?"

"I know people."

"What I wanna go!" Christina yells.

"Me too." Some chick, with brown hair down to mid back, says.

"Christina and Hazel, will you please keep it down. And if you want tickets get your own." The male said.

"Fuck you Damion. You know, you give your best friend a ticket but not your girlfriend." The brunette, I now know is Hazel stats.

"But's it's not your birthday Saturday now is it?" The boy, who I now, know is Damion answered.

"I can get tickets for us. I know better people." I tell them.

"What? Really? You just met us and you are already buying us tickets to see Ed Sheeren and Alex Young preforming a concert. I love you already." She says hugging me.

"Well I have a free last so we can go shopping then if you guys have a free to. Cause you know, it's friday already. It's weird how the first day of school is a friday." Hazel stats.

"Yeah. I have a free. I just have to tell my mom and my brother." I say.

"Ok." Then we all go to our next class for the day.


(A/N)- This is my first story on wattpad. I hope you like it so far.

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