Gold coins

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In the outskirt of Haridwar city, there was a jungle. A road went through that jungle to the city.

There was no one present in that area as it was pretty dark out there. The sound of howling animals scared the life out of the traveller who dared to go there in the night.

22 April, 2020
It was midnight. The night of Vaishakh Amavasya. A man was walking through the woods. His footsteps showed he was in a hurry. There was expression of fear on his face. He was very well aware of the stories about the scary voices that echo in the woods in the night.

He used to return from work before sunset but he had to do overtime on the day.He searched for any public transport but he did'nt get any public transport.

As he was walking, the voice of wild animals were echoing through the forest ,fell in his ears.

He starting running in fear of any encounter with wild animal.
As he was running, he tripped on something and fell down.
He was lucky to not get hurt. He rubbed his knees and elbows and stood up. He turned back to check what came in his way.

There was a red coloured pouch lying there.
He took the pouch in his hand. It was quite heavy.
He opened the pouch with curiosity as well as a bit of fear. To his surprise, there were gold coins in the pouch.
His eyes lit up as he saw the gold coin.

He looked around before keeping the pouch in his pocket.
He reached his home late in the night.
His wife, waiting for him to arrive, opened the door and served him dinner.
After eating dinner, he secretly kept the gold coins in his locker.
He was unaware of what he brought in his house was not just any coins.

23 April 2020
Haridwar Police Station
"Sir there is a new case in the Area. A man Vijay Das died in Shivalik nagar. His death was sudden,weird and unnatural." said Sub Inspector Utkarsh Singh.
"Then it must be a murder. We must go and investigate the crime scene." said Inspector
Abhay Verma.
They left for the crime scene with the forensic team.

As they reached the house, they saw the dead body. Then sending the body for postmartem,
Ins. Abhay and Utkarsh started their investigation.
They asked his wife about the death. She told everything about his husband.
"Do you have doubt on anyone, any foe, anyone who was involved in a fight with your husband." asked Abhay.
"No. He was a simple man with no enemy." replied his wife.
"Is there anything weird that you noticed, something irregular, not common?" asked Utkarsh.
"Yes, he was very happy yesterday as if he received any lottery . Upon asking, he showed
me some gold coins telling me that these are our key to richness." replied the poor lady as she broke into tears.
"Where are the gold coins?" asked Abhay.
"The gold coins are missing. They are not here. I searched for them and they are gone."
"Hmm! This must be the work of a thief who murdered your husband to steal the gold coins. Dont worry we will find the murderer."
said Abhay as they leave the house.
"This is just another murder case. Inform other police stations about this and start looking for the thief. Inform me when you get the postmortem report." orders Abhay.

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