Cursed Ghost

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25 April 2020
Early in the morning, Karan left his home to go for jogging on the track on bank of River Ganga.

When it came to fitness, he was very strict and focussed.
It was his daily routine to go for jogging at sunrise.

There was hardly anyone out there jogging so early in the morning.
He liked the weather early in the morning.
He also liked to jog and exercise when no one is around.

After finishing his jogging and exercise routine, he sat on one of the bench to rest.
He saw a red coloured pouch lying behind the bench.

He opened the pouch to find  gold coins in the pouch.
He got stuck in the web of greed and happily took the pouch to his house.

He was very happy ,when he saw a person, more of a ghost in front of him.
The ghost looked terrifying. His big teeth and red eyes along with big nails were enough to scare life out of anyone.
His body was pale and clothes were black.

"Who… Who…. are you?" asked Karan who was scared as hell. His hands were shaking as the pouch fell down from his hand. He looked down to see the ghost was floating in the air.
This made him even more scared.

"Your death." said the ghost as he laughed his horrifying smile.
As he finished the words, Karan collapsed and died .
The ghost vanished in to thin air.
Karan was dead .

26 April 2020
Haridwar Police station
"Sir the postmortem reports are here. The man died due to lack of oxygen but there is no mark or sign of choking."
said Utkarsh.

"Hmm , so the murderer is not just any common murderer. He is very clever.
We need to investigate deep in this case. The murderer should not escape."
said Abhay.
" Yes, sir."

Few hours later,
Police Station
"Sir, there is another murder in the city. Another man was found dead in his house. His house was locked from inside and even the windows were closed. We broke the door and entered the house to find the man dead."
reported Utkarsh.

"Was there any wound or injury on the body of the person? Did you get any clue at the place?" inquired Abhay.

"No sir there was no wound,injury or mark.
There were no fingerprint or footprint . The identity of the person is said to be Karan Rawat. He lived alone. We are trying to contact his family. And again we need to wait for the post mortem report to know the reason of death."

"The killer can be the same one who killed Vijay. Do look for any link between the two cases. There may be a serial killer roaming free in the city." said Abhay worried about the sudden death cases starting to come out of the city.

"Yes sir, we did found a clue that link this case to the Vijay death case. We found a red coloured pouch with gold coins near his corpse. This is the same pouch Vijay's wife told us about. So, the murderer is the same." said Utkarsh.

"But why would the murderer leave the gold coins which he took from Vijay at Karan's house. Why would he leave such a big clue behind? This case is not as simple as it seem. " said Abhay.

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