Deadly Encounter

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"Sir,We need to know more about the ghost from the man before we face the ghost" whispered Utkarsh in Abhay's ears.
Abhay nodded.

They continued the interrogation.
"How do we defeat or kill the ghost?" asked Utkarsh.

"Its very simple. Someone from the family of the Sage needs to stab the ghost by the same dagger by which Sage Satyananda was murdered. "said the man.

"But where will we find the successor of the Sage? Is there anyone left his bloodline? And what about the dagger?" asked Abhay with disappointment.

"You can find the dagger in the Haridwar Museum. And you will not find it difficult to get it from there as you are cops."
"But what about the Successor?" asked Abhay.

"How do you think I know the story of the cursed coin at the first place. And how were you able to find me"
"So, you are.."
"Bhairav, the successor of Sage Satyanand. The story of the cursed coins is present in our family for ages. I am very happy to be the one to get the chance to kill that Ghost."

Both of the officer thought for a while and discussed between them before believing Bhairava as he was their last hope.

They went to the museum and talked with the museum authorities about the case.
They got the dagger for couple of days.

Now they needed to summon the ghost through the gold coins. It is never be easy to face a ghost who can kill you before you blink.

They prepared a plan to face the ghost with the help of Bhairav.
Both Abhay and Utkarsh held the gold coins in their hands to summon the ghost.
Bhairav was ready with his dagger to end the story and the ghost forever.

It was 12:30 in the night when cold breeze started to flow. The atmosphere became spooky. Both the cops and Bhairav were ready to face the ghost.

As greed occupied thier mind, the ghost appeared from nowhere.
He was frightening as hell. He was floating near the ground instead of standing.

"Now!!" said Abhay indicating to Bhairav.
But Bhairav was standing there as if he is frozen.

"What are you thinking, Bhairav. Just stab him before its too late." shouted Abhay with anger.
But he was standing there smiling.

The ghost looked at Utkarsh with his deadly stare.He was scared to the bones when he looked at the ghost.

Utkarsh felt breathlessness and slumped to the floor. His breathing seized and his soul escaped his body.

Abhay tried to bring back Utkarsh's consciousness. But he failed. He shouted in deep sorrow and anger as he leaped towards the ghost.

But he was unable to even touch the ghost.
He was no more than a blood thirsty soul cursed to kill people.

Abhay also fell helplessly asking Bhairav to help.
But, he didn't move. He was standing there witnessing what was happening.

Soon, Abhay's suffering ended as he also died the same way his colleague and best friend Utkarsh died.

The ghost then turned to Bhairav and moved towards him.
The ghost said in his horrifying voice " Well done" and vanished leaving behind the coins.

"Poor officers.You thought I was the successor of Sage Satyatma.You were right to some extent except that I am the successor of the thief, the cursed coin ghost."
said Bhairav talking to the corpse of the officers.

He picked up the coins and dropped them on a lonely highway waiting for their next prey.
The case is still a mystery for police department as it darken with the death of Abhay and Utkarsh.

The cursed coin ghost continue to haunt and kill greedy people with the help of Bhairav.

Beware of any gold coins you find on a lonely place.They may be cursed coins.

                    Never be greedy

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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