Chapter 14- Disturbance

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Emily's POV

Things felt so easy with Danni. I hardly knew her but for some reason, she has taken up every single one of my thoughts. My mind felt like a series of trains, simultaneously riding along their tracks in different directions and almost colliding at every miss. But she seemed to make the entire thing feel thrilling.

I don't really know why I went to Starbucks, where I knew she would be. I Suppose I just wanted to see her again in the way we had met, without the low hanging blouse and pencil skirt; without the classroom environment; without the complications.

Despite knowing she would be sitting in the exact same secluded corner as that day, I was glued to the spot when I actually saw her sitting there. Her blonde hair was swept back messily, as if she had stressfully brushed it back each time it draped over her jade eyes. Her outfit was so simple, yet she did it so much grace. I almost turned to leave but found myself being dragged towards her by some unknown force.

The closer I got, the more predominant the frown on her face became. She was clearly stressed about whatever was on her laptop screen and I came to realise that this was not a good idea at all. But too late.

Her eyes fixed on mine, in the same hypnotic way they had before.

I tried to explain the reason I was there but then realised that there was not a solid one at all. I just wanted to see her.

A few minutes later, I found myself sitting in the passenger seat of her car- both of us conscious of what people might think if they saw us talking so openly in a public space I'm sure. I was somewhat shocked when she switched on the radio and the sound of my favourite band filled the space, and mingled with the scent of her perfume and the rumble of the engine.

The fact that she was my English teacher was so easy to forget, simply because she was only 23. She acted as any other 18 year old, dressed like any other 18 year old, and even listened to the same music as any other 18 year old.

She seemed nervous, which was a first for her.

When we finally pulled up outside of her apartment, her nerves seemed to skyrocket.

When we finally got into her home, she apologised for the mess and frantically moved through the room, attempting to make it look a bit more appealing.

Events unfolded and I found myself on her sofa, with her beneath me. Her chest moved gently against mine as our lips moved together in an almost magnetic dance. She seemed to drown out everything, and quiet the noise inside my mind. The simplicity of everything in moments like these was addictive. Her hand clumsily found the hem of my shirt and she did not hesitate in removing it and throwing it across her living room before her lips found my neck.

This was the first time anyone had touched any part of my body since the embarrassment with Brad. The feelings associated with it were not ones of self-loathing and shame, as expected. I felt comfortable in Danni's embrace, and her lips brought feelings of revolution. I was completely okay with the pace things were moving regardless of the insanity of the situation.

This woman was my teacher, and I scarcely know anything about her. But it just felt right. This feeling was something I had lost faith in since all that happened with Brad.

I was snapped out of this loop of thought when the sound of knocking filled the room. Danni seemed unexplainably frustrated by it and I cannot say that I felt differently. It appeared we had both completely forgot about the pizza she has phoned for just ten minutes before.

I moved off her lap wordlessly and she sighed before getting up to answer the door. I quickly fumbled for my top before the sound of the pizza delivery worker's voice filled the room, as Danni shut down his every effort for a positive rating and a tip.

The sound of this interaction was drowned out to a blur as my pulled out my phone and saw a message reading: 'You need to come home. Now.' My mother has never been so blunt with me, and suddenly I was missing her cringe and awkward overuse of emojis in every text she sends.
Hundreds of thoughts circled in my mind, had someone seen me and Danni in Starbucks? Did she know where I was? Had something bad happened at home?

By the time Danni returned with the pizza, she looked devastated to find out that I was leaving. I didn't want to tell her why, because I didn't know the reason myself. Thoughts of my Mum at home kept surfacing and I didn't want to make her panic that I may have damaged her career, so as soon as Danni defeatedly mumbled 'fine', I broke towards the door and made an escape before I could make things worse.

A/n- Hello! I am back and I cannot express how much I missed writing. This is the first chapter I have written in 3 years so I tried my hardest to make my style of writing the same! I hope this chapter provides you with some hope for the fates of Emily and Danni :))

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