chapter. 1

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After we took our seats I looked around the tent. It was huge inside. There was people all around the sides waiting patiently for the show to start.  The center of the tent was a large brown dirt filled circle. It had little things in it around that i had no idea was for. It had a purple box hidden to the side. Ribbon hanging from the ceiling.

I grabbed my boyfriends hand and gave him an excited look when a voice came on the speakers on the top of the tent saying the show would start in one minute.

Next think I know the man from the food stand came out and introduced himself. "Hello everyone," he said as the crowd erupted with applause. "I am Jack, and welcome the mystical traveling circus," as he the crowd got even louder then the last he finished talking which I didn't even think was possible.

"Thank you, thank you. May I welcome the first act The Amazing Ms. wonder," as he said that a young lady who couldn't have been much older then me stepped out from behind a flap in the back of the tent into the middle. The crowd screamed for her.

When she got to the middle the ribbons hanging from the top fell down. She elegantly strutted to the ribbons and grabbed one and started to climb up a little then grabbed the other with her feet twisting in ways that I didn't think was possible.

You could tell every living thing in that tent was infatuated with the way she moved. The next thing I know she takes the ribbon with her feet are twisted in and takes completely with that one. Letting go of the one her hands are grabbing onto and turns upside down hanging from her feet. And spirals down. Its so fast and has everyone on the their seats taking in a big breath. She falls fast. When she is about 5 inches away from the ground she stops. Taking the ribbon tight in her feet. You can hear the audience take the breath they were holding in and let it go into the air.

After her act is over she struts out of tent probably pround of herself after what she just did. I mean i would be if I was her. A man comes out with a large circle and a stool looking thing and two other large circles each being a little smaller then the one before. After he places them in the middle he scurries out and another man comes out."For my act I need you all to stay very quiet until the end. If you don't things might get very red very fast," everyone stays silent including me. "Are you ready you better be. Bring him out," he yells the last part and the same man who brought out the circles brought out a very large cage. Suddenly the rings make sense as the ring master walks up to it and pounds on the cage with the stick he was holding.

The next thing we hear is a loud grunt coming from the cage. The ring master opens the door and out walks one of the biggest lions I have ever seen. The lion stalks out and makes a loud roaring sound.

The ring master begins tapping the floor and then taps the platform that I thought was stool before. The lion jumps on the platform and then the ring master taps the hoop. And the liom jumps through with ease. Everyone staying silent like the man told them. He then sets the ring on fire. With that you can hear a couple audible gasps. He then taps the hoop on fire and the lion jumps through making it look easy then running back to the platform.

He then places the two other hoops in front of the flaming hoop and sets them on fire like its normal. Then he taps the hoop one last time. Silence all you could hear was silence when the huge lion jumps through all three hoops with ease. Suddenly the whole audience bursts with applause and couple wohoo's throughout.

He walks back out pulling the cage with the lion in it while the whole time he has a huge grin on his face.

After all the stuff from that man's act was cleared another man walks out confidently. Wait. Is that? Yup. I immediately recognized the man as the man I bumped into earlier. As soon as he makes it to the middle of the circle he makes eye contact with me and smirks. I guess this was the show he talking about. He breaks eye contact and scans the crowd then locks eyes with me again. I give him a curious look and all he does is it almost looks like a chuckle then he states "Hello everyone. I am Oliver and today well... I will be doing a magic act for you all. Do I have any volunteers?" The crowd cheers and many people raise their hands. I however didn't which is why I get super confused when he walks up to me and says "You. Come with me." He tells me that almost as if a demand. "uhh ok?" I say back almost as a question and my friends usher me up with the handsome stranger.

I follow the man to the middle and sort of just stand there as he grabs a few thing which I have no idea are. The one thing I do recognize is that large purple box but not only does he have one but now he has two. He puts them a little ways apart.

"In just a second I am going to have this young lady to step in one of these boxes and then I will make her teleport from one to another." The crowd cheers like there is no tomorrow as the man ushers me into a large purple box. uhh I guess im in here now. I can tall he is talking but I can't make out what he is saying. I just stand there in a box and stare at the door. The bam. The door is open. Wait but I didnt feel anything happen but when my eyes fully adjust to the lights in the tent I notice I am not in front of the same box as before but in fact in front of the other. What? How did that happen? the crowd applauds like crazy the man just looks at my confused looking face and says "you may go back to your seat now."

So I did.

Just like that. I took my seat next to my friends and boyfriend and enjoy the rest of the show.

By the time its over it is almost 11:00 and we go get some of the last food of the night just because it's too hard to pass up. On my way to buys us some food I feel somthing in my back pocket. I slowly reach into it and there is a folded piece of paper.

I quickly unfold it not knowing where it came from and all it reads it "It was great to meet you, you are gorgeous I will see you tomorrow my little song bird."

DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH what do you think? sorry for not posting in a lonnnnggg time I have had alot of stuff going on. thanks for 18 reads! I hope you enjoyed this chapter i should have the next chaper if all goes to plan by June 10th I know that's a little far but my moms birthday is in a few days so I am doing stuff for that too.

I wonder what she is going to do?

Who is the note from?

What does it mean by see you Tomorrow?

LOVE YAAAAA thanks for reading see you soon my babes!

Words count: 1329


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