chapter. 2

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Hello my lovely readers! I just wanted to say the pic is of our leading lady Rose played by...... Madelyn Cline! K back to the story.

What does that even mean? I have no clue who sent that note or why but I do know one thing. I am NOT seeing them tomorrow. At least I hope not but secretly I was kind if excited to see who this person was.

By the time I got home it was already 12 and there was no way I am going to be sleeping tonight. I dont care how tired I am no sleep at all I have to keep a look out! what if someone seeks in my window and tries to kill me! well I doubt that but still!

By the time 5 am hits I am out like the light bulb in my attic. Damn! I really wanted to stay up! Curse you sleep!

I had to be up by 7 anyway for school so not much point in sleeping anyway.

I wake up almost immediately frantically looking around my room to see if anything was touched.

"um honey are you ok?" "uhhh yea mom im fine just uhhhh looking for something yea! looking for somthing!" "um ok well come eat or you will be late from school."

Crap! she's onto me I can tell by the way she said the word eat!

Maybe all this note and being nervous stuff is getting to my head.

"ROSE GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE" huh? um ok then I guess I did something to make her mad.

"yes mom?" I say looking at her with innocent eyes and batting my eyelashes. "you didn't do your homework! and don't even try to lie to me its on the table not done!" phew I let out a breath I didn't even know i had in me and said "ohhhh ok thanks mom ill do it on the bus," I say giving her a kiss on the cheak grabbing my backpack and stuffing the sheet of homework in then walking out the door to the bus.

Twenty minutes later I have finished my homework, calmed down a bit not seeing anyone I saw at the fair, and finally made it to school.

The rest of the day went by pretty smooth. It was seventh period and the bell had just rung saying basically go home. I walked to my bus and got on.

Another Twenty minutes later and I was off the bus. Just taking my time walking from my bus stop too my house. My house was quite a ways from my bus stop but nothing I can do about it, it was the closest to my house.

I was just walking and listening to music that blared in my ear buds when I was grabbed. Not the kind of grab that hurt but the kind to make you not be able to move. I tried to see who was doing this but before I could look I was dragged into a large black van.

What the hell is happening. Am I going die? Crap I'm to young to die!

Thats it! I'll bang on the doors and hope they like break down. I dont know! It might work!?


Well that did nothing. Crap crap crap what now!? well I guess nothing. I have to just wait now. But I don't want to just wait! I want to leave!

20 minutes later: It feels like its been hours. well sh- "AHHHHHH" BAM suddenly I was thrown into the wall. My guess they stopped the van.

I tried my best to get to the other side of the van away from the van. The door suddenly oped and all I did was let out a blood curtailing scream. "whoa there my little song bird calm down its just me," then my eyes adjusted. Crap. Its himm....

Oliver's pov

Walking to the back of the tent I just look to all the people outside enjoying the fair. Then one caught my eye. That guy she is holding hands with I need to stop them.

I walk out the tent and bump into them to separate them "Oh my God! I am so so so sorry!" Heh she is adorable. "Its ok, I hope to see you at my show" I say back throwing a quick wink and then walked away. Her voice its almost angelic. Beautiful. She will be mine.

Show time. Peeking out the curtin she is there! yes she is there! After the first two acts its my turn. I walk to the middle of the dirt circle and immediately make eye contact with her. My little song bird. I look around the crowd and no one is as perfect as her so I make eye contact again and said "Hello everyone. I am Oliver and today well... I will be doing a magic act for you all. Do I have any volunteers?"

I ignore all the other people in the temt and head straight for her. "You. Come with me." She says something to the people with her and she hurriedly follows me to the middle. I give her a look and look towards the crowd and say "In just a second I am going to have this young lady to step in one of these boxes and then I will make her teleport from one to another." The crowd cheers for me and I just guve them a smirk.

I usher her into the first box and close it shut. "This trick has been done many time and it is completely safe dont worry" I say to the crowd and wave in front of the box a walk over to the other box and open it. Out walks my little song bird. She gives me a confused look and I just say
"you may go back to your seat now," and with thay she walks back to her seat with her friends but little did she know when she was looking in the crowd I stuck a little surprise in her pocket for her to find. And I ment everything in it.

I cant wait to see her. I think I heard her friends say her name was Rose. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She is going to love life with me. No matter what it takes. And I will love her always.

Hello my beautiful readers. thank you so so so so much for 24 reads dont worry I will continue his pov going on to the next chapter. Oh and SURPRISE on a early chapter i decided I would would do this chapter sooner rather then later.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far! dont worry it will get alot more interesting later on too. I am loving how this story is coming together! and I will maybe try to see if I can get the next chapter in within tomorrow to June 5th if not the latest I would upload is the 7th so dont worry love ya! muah!

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