Contradiction - Spoken Word

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They say stand tall but bow

Be proud of who you are

If you are isn't I then you are isn't right

They say make your own way

But stick to tradition

Tradition say follow the path created by the elders

Wise elders

Nobody realizes

Tradition isn't gospel, tradition ain't religion

But we're all blinded by sentiment

And pick tradition on everything

Ignoring the plain truth

That tradition was once words, it was once pronouncements, tradition was just law

Spoken by a man who sat upon a throne,

Probably hated by most while he never did his job,

And took taxes from the small who didn't have enough,

And he sent the young to battle in a war they didn't start

As he sat on his throne in a palace high and mighty

Safe from the war that he didn't plan on ending

At least we can say he got one thing right

Creating new festivals while the pauper's kids died

I see the logic behind it

Tradition is the shit,

I should be devoted

'Cause the man, he was right

The contradiction was wise

Let's follow that tradition because it feeds the starving bellies?

Or it provides for the masses?

I'm sorry,

I cannot compromise

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