Success and Hope

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When you sleep with sorrow,
and wake to happiness.
And wake to foes,
when you sleep with friends.
When the tables have turned,
and your decks been shuffled,
and the smiles on their faces,
Inverted with awe.
Then success has come,
And success is yours.

When you are hopeless
Ruined by the road side
And drenched in sweat
And nobody will look by
You scream for help
But only in your mind
And you're filled with sorrow
But soothed with pride
Know that success will come
And it will be yours

When success has come
And you lavish in it
And you drive past one
Who has been ravished from it
And you remember your brakes
And you offer a lift
In him you see yourself
You help him to success
So that if you fall in your sleep
He will wake you to your feet
Now success is yours
And forever will be

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