The woe of a broken love

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I don't know how to say it but,
We've fallen in love and we can't have this,

I fear I've fallen for your smiles,
and the ever-present twinkle in your eyes,
I've fallen;
For your jokes that aren't even funny,
for your weird sense of humour and incessant giggles.
I wish we could settle together and bask in the sweet languor of enamor, but -

I fear.

I fear that my monosyllabic replies and taciturnity should do little to win over the heart of one whose demeanor alone can summon the sun and put an end to a storm.
Whose every word carries an octave complementary of the orchestral symphony of existence.
The bits, pieces of life flow in harmony.
As you speak, you form a melody,
and even in darkness I see a beautiful light - manifesting into waves of emotions.
And on your lips I see longing, your eyes say you love me,

But again

I feel fear, that you've razed fields of spires that girdle a chest,
To a heart that's been locked away for years,
A soul hidden from light, marinating in the unpleasant sea of regrets
And even if you breathe ether and you are blessed,
I will remain the heel that never made it into styx

I fear that I am the narcissistic pride of the egoist mired in depression,
aware that I'll sink till the surface is merely an illusion,
Yet intransigent because I feel you'd only love me if I'm broken.
I'm broken and that will destroy you.

I fear.

I fear that every word I speak to you, will take from you, at a time, a little bit of your angelic hue,
Till eventually all that will remain of your shine will be but a glimmer equivalent to the reflection of a silver coin at the bottom of the ocean.

I fear that in all of your beauty I am a curse.
I fear that we can't be together even though we're in love.

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