Chapter 8 - Pissed.

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(I was extremely Pissed and Psycho while writing this so it gets a little dramatic..)

~Momo's POV~ (Omg the first POV switch. *Dies*

She. Will. PAY!!!!

I didn't think i could be this angry, or no Jealous.

Akina stole her from me, Akina stole MY Kyoka from ME!

And Y/n stole Denki from Shinsou, which to get revenge is why he's helping me.

"SHINSOU!!!! DID YOU SEE Y/N ESCAPE?!" I shout at him.



~2nd POV~ 

You, Kyoka, Mina, And Akina were all sitting on your couch to discus what had just happened an hour ago.

"So, Did Momo say anything to any of you while you were kidnapped?" You ask the three of them.

"Well, Not really, i overheard her wisper something before i blacked out, i think i heard somthing like "You're mine.." then she giggled and put me in a super comfortable room but i knew something wasn't right so i just left that room after she did." Kyoka explains.

"I should get going..." Mina says then runs out the door. (But you live here?!)

"Me too..." Akina says and tries to follow Mina but Kyoka grabs her arm, "Wait." Kyoka says and then stands up and kisses Akina on the cheek and shows love while Akina starts crying and bolts out the door and back home.

"Do you know what that was all about Y/n." Kyoka asks you.

You shake your head blushing which makes Kyoka know that you're lying.

"Y/n. I'm serious, i see the blush, You're lying." She says pretty mad.

"I KNOW THE REASON I JUST CAN'T TELL YOU OR I'M GONNA DIE! Now i have to go to the store and i won't be back for awhile" 'Never..' you say/thought.

"O-oh.. Alright. bye for now i guess..." Kyoka says.

~Time skip to legit i kid you not, 3 YEARS LATER. you were like, 13, now u are, 16.~

Today is your first day at UA! You were so happy that You, Mina, Akina, And Denki were all in the same class! (You actually never saw Kyoka after the incident. so sad *Cries*)

All 4 of you walk into class 1-A and the first person you spot is a dark purple/blue haired person with ear bud thingies coming from her earlobes...........

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