It started

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It was another rainy day.

Choi Beomgyu used to love rainy days. Ah well... when he's outside with nothing but a hoodie and sweatpants along with running shoes he forgets how much he did so.

He was going for his morning run, he gets to do so for a few minutes before it began pouring. He hoped to god no one had realized who he was. Thankfully, that's exactly what happened as he made it to an open park near their dorms.

The park was empty, probably because of the rain. And thanks to that, no child was on sight, playing with others. He takes a breath as he walks towards a swing in the far side of the park, not even minding how it was soaking wet by the heavy rain when he sits on it and began swinging a little bit.

"Ah... You're never gonna leave my mind, huh, Park Chaerin?" He let's out a deep breath as he looks up to the dark sky.

2 years ago

The boy ran as fast a he can, ignoring the way puddles filled with rain water splashed, getting his school shoes and socks wet.

'Did you hear? They said Jinsung was gonna be confessing to Chaerin.' Taehyun's voice echoed in his head. Oh how much he hated himself when he thought going home early was a great idea. So now, he was running to school again.

As he nears the school, dropping his umbrella right in front of the entrance and didn't even bother to change his shoes. He went straight to the said girl's classroom, checking if she was still there,

She wasnt.

He takes gasps for air as he hunches over to his knees. Without even a second to miss, he bolts towards the stairs that lead to the rooftop, it was a very popular place for confessions. As he opens the door, there was no one in sight.

He looks around a little bit more, checking every nook and cranny of the rooftop before finally falling to the floor and grabbing his phone. Forgetting the fact that his phone was now soaking wet.

After a few wrong clicks and the phone sliding from his hands, he finally got a hold of the person he had been looking for.

"Hello?" She says in a small voice. "Where are you?" Beomgyu cuts to the chase. "Huh? You sound really exhausted, are you alright?" She asks him, concern evident on the tone of her voice.

"Nevermind that, Chaerin, where are you?" The boy says again, standing up and gazing around once more. "I'm stuck in a park near my house... I forgot to bring an umbre-"

"Okay, wait for me there. Don't talk to anyone, not even people you know" Beomgyu cuts her off before he starts running again. Making sure to grab his umbrella at the entrance before continuing on his way to the park.

"Wait wha-" This time, she was cut off by the beeping sound in her phone, telling her that the boy had dropped the call. She looks at the phone incredulously, as if it was an alien of some sorts. 'Don't talk to anyone, not even people you know' the voice echoed in her head making her chuckle at the boy's frantic voice.

After a while of waiting, Beomgyu finally enters her sight. She waves at him under a place where she was taking shelter from the rain. The boy sees her immediately and wastes no time to get to her, hunching over and gasping for air once again. "Beomgyu... why are you soaking wet when you have an umbrella?" She says, an incredulous look in her eyes.

The said boy mumbled incoherent words as to which Chaerin failed to understand. "I can't understand you. Take a deep breath first." She says and pats his back.

Once Beomgyu finally caught his breath, he finally straightens up and looks at her in the eyes before gradually shifting his brown orbs to the side. "I... was looking for you at school." He explains, this time, very clearly.

Chaerin's eyes widen a little bit, a pink tint visible on her cheeks. "Why? Didn't you go home early today?" She asks curiously. "I did. But..." Beomgyu trails off, becoming more and more shy by the second.

"But what?"

"I heard-" he was mumbling again.

"Beomgyu, stop mumbling."

"I heard Jinsung was gonna ask you out..."

"Huh? Beomgyu, you're funny." She laughs, finding his statement laughable. "You do realize Jinsung is my cousin, right?" She explains as to which the boy flinched in surprise.

"What?!" He squeals.


"But- He- Taehyun-" he was just blurting out nonsense at this point.

Chaerin chuckles, finding him adorable. "Besides... if he did ask me out, why would you care enough to get yourself soaking wet in the rain just to find me?" She asks, mumbling the last part, seemingly shy.

"That's because..." he trails off.

"Because what? You keep trailing off with you sentences, Beom-"

"It's because I like you!" He confesses with an unintentionally loud voice. "And if he asked you out, I'd lose my chance, so I panicked and ended up running back to school. Its because I like you that I ran to the damn rooftop without my umbrella and got soaked by the-"

Beomgyu froze.

Chaerin threw her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face on his left cheek as she chuckles at his frantic explanation.

"...huh?" He lets out a breath before he circles his arm around the girl's waist.

"I like you too, Beomgyu." She says in a small voice before she looks into his eyes. "Even if Jinsung wasn't my cousin and he did ask me out, I would've said no." Chaerin explains, giving him a soft smile.

"So are we...?"

"Are we what? You have to make things clear, you know"

"Stop teasing me!"

"Then stop cutting off your own sentences."

"F- Fine, are we... dating now?"

"Let me think about it..."

"You're really gonna think about it? I can't believe you!"

"I'm joking! Haha, you should've seen you face!"

"Whatever... just answer me already!"

"Okay fine, we are!"

"YES!" Beomgyu lets go of her and jumps around, flailing his arms in excitement. "I GOT A GIRLFRIENDDDDD" He screams in the empty park.

"H-hey stop that! You're embarrassing!"


Rain || Choi Beomgyu Where stories live. Discover now