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I stepped into my new dorm, pulling my suit cases behind me. I was nervous.
A girl greeted me at the door.
"Hello I'm Jasmine." the girl greeted.
A blur of blond hair whizzed past me. the girl who belonged to was laughing she was being chased, by a red headed girl.
"expelliarmus!" The blond haired girl yelled, pointing a stick at the red haired girl. sheran backwards across the room.
"Noooooooooo! I've lost my wand!" The red haired girl yelled.
Both girls erupted into giggles.
"Isabelle! Caitlin! We've got a new girl staying with us!" Jasmine yelled above the girls giggling.
both girls shot up and walked over to me.
"Hello I'm Isabelle!" The blonde introduced.
"And I'm Caitlin!" The red haired girls said.
Both girls hands shot out.
I shook them both.
Both girls were dressed in the school uniform; a yellow shirt with a pocket on the breast, tucked into a green skirt. Both girls had buns in their hair, so did Jasmine. I remembered reading this in the uniform standards of the stupid boarding school, you always had to have your hair pulled back into a bun. If you were a girl that was.

Isabelle looked down at her turquoise watch.
"Sh*t! I've got dance practice!" Isabelle cried, grabbing a dance bag of a bed.
"Isabelle! Language! And it's your job to show Chloe her way around the school tomorrow." Jasmine reported.
"Okay, but why?" She asked grabbing a water bottle.
"She's got the exact same classes as you." She informed.
Isabelle mumbled something unintelligible.
And walked out the door.

A few hours later Isabelle walked through the door again, she was in different clothes this time. she was in a black ballet skirt and a turquoise leotard.
Her hair was different too. it was no longer in a high bun. In was lower down on her head and her fringe was no longer concealed.
"Hey." she said walking through the door. She had fat lip and under her eye was bleeding.
"Are you okay?!" I asked.
Caitlin tackled friend, in a sisterly way.
Then she realised her friend was hurt.
"Lucifer's teeth." She sighed "it was them, wasn't it?" Caitlin cried, outraged.
"Yep, don't worry though, I judo flipped Dylan, Will and Ki Hong." She said.
Jasmine walked in.
"Holy cheese! I am going to snap their necks!" She shouted.
They were all clearly angry at someone, but who?
"What's going on?" I asked puzzled.
"Bullies." Isabelle replied.
"But school doesn't even start until tomorrow." I said.
"You tell that to them." Jasmine mumbled.
"We should get to bed. big day tomorrow..." Isabelle said.
We all nodded.
I was shown my bed.
The second I hit the soft pillow I was asleep.

Bullied a Thomas Sangster fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now