Chapter 3

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---------------------------xXoxX---------- Chloe's POV------------xXoxX----------------------------------
When I got back from the bathroom, I didn't see Isabelle anywhere, I was pretty worried.
She wouldn't leave me alone like that, would she? No she was too kind to do that.
Dylan walked up to me.
"Hey new girl, what should we call you?" He asked grabbing my wrist.
I twisted and pulled out my wrist at the same time escaping his grasp. Just something I learned in karate.
This time he grabbed me with his opposite hand. I couldn't use that last technique again, so this time I bit him.
"You little b*tch!" He yelled.
I made a run for it, luckily enough I ran into Caitlin.
"Hey! I've been looking for you!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me along.
I could see Dylan running towards us with Will, out of the or we of my eye, so I picked up the pace, and began dragging Caitlin along.
"Where are we going?" I asked, still running.
"Why are you in a rush?" Caitlin asked as I pulled her into the girls bathroom.
"I bit Dylan after he grabbed my wrist and he was chasing me." I told her gasping for air.
She doubled over laughing. "you bit him!" She giggled.
"Isa,would be proud!" She said still giggling.
"Ok why did you need me?" I asked her, desperate to change the subject.
"Uh, Isabelle got a bit beat up by Dylan and his gang." she said.
"Okay so?......" I asked.
"Your coming to the hospital wing with me." she

I arrived hospital wing with Caitlin.
Jasmine gestured for us to go over to her and Isabelle. Isabelle was having her ankle bandaged up.
"Hey." Both Jasmine and I said in Unison.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Idiots." she said.
"Why is he here?" I said jerking my thumb towards Ki hong.
"He's decided to not be an a*shole." Caitlin told me.
I smiled.
"Ooh, Chloe tell them what you did!" Caitlin giggled.
"Oh, yeah I kinda bit Dylan." I said casually.
Isabelle, Ki hong and Caitlin doubled over laughing, even Jasmine was suppressing laughter.
"What the hell did he do?" Isabelle said laughing.
"He grabbed my wrist." I Explained, shrugging.
Dylan burst through the door, with Will and Thomas.
He walked up to the nurse.
"Can I have a bandage?" Dylan asked.
He was holding a tissue to his arm where I had bitten him.
The nurse handed him a small band-aid.
"Ki hong, can we talk for a minute?" Will asked.
"Fine." He said walking out, followed by Will, Dylan and Thomas.

"You drew blood!" Isabelle cried as I sat down next to her.
"I'm not saying it's a good thing" she continued after a skeptic look from Jasmine.
"But he deserved it." she finished, ignoring Jasmine's second death glare.
"How do you know I drew blood?" I asked.
"The tissue was crimson in places." Jasmine said, smiling ever so slightly.

The nurse walked up and bandaged Isabelle's foot.
"You ok izzy?" Jasmine asked as Isabelle winced.
"Yeah I'm fine, snazzy jazzy." She replied.
Jasmine laughed.
"Wait so, Jasmine's got a nick name, Caitlin's got a nick name, I've got a nick name.
What about you, Chloe?" Isabelle asked.
"I dunno." I shrugged.
Ki hong walked back in.

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