Chapter four

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Chloe's POV:
Ki hong walked back in, he had a bloody lip and looked frustrated.
"I may just kill Will." He grunted.
"Be my guest." Isabelle told him.
"what happened?" Jasmine asked, as a nurse spoke to Isabelle.
Isabelle sighed, wasn't sure why.
"Tried to beat me up." Ki hong shrugged.
Jasmine nodded. "everything all good?" She asked Isabelle.
Isabelle nodded and then burst of laughing.
Caitlin was stood there, her head wrapped in a large bandage.
"Yeah," she laughed again as caitlin tickled her. "i'll be able to dance In my competition."

"You're free to go." the nurse told Isabelle who was immediately helped up by Jasmine.
"Let's go back go the dorm and blast the Beatles!" Caitlin said, only her mouth was unwrapped, she was still unwinding the rest of her face and head.
Isabelle grinned at Caitlin's proposal and Jasmine nodded.

"I gotta go." Ki hong got up and walked out. Isabelle, Jasmine, Caitlin, and I walked back to the dorms.

When we were there the first thing Isabelle did was grab her phone doc and put on help! By the Beatles. Isabelle and Caitlin did a full on routine, Isabelle even had a few basic lifts, she basically just picked caitlin up around her waist and spun her around while Caitlin just did weird things with her arms.

We basically did the same thing, Jasmine and I sitting on our beds, until dance, dance by fall out boy came on. Being a dancer myself I remembered the only solo I'd ever been given and that happened to be for dance dance and I did it. it was pretty easy.

When the song was over Isabelle and Caitlin erupted into applause.

Somebody knocked on the door, Isabelle ran over and opened the door.
Standing there, was Thomas.
"What do you want?" She sighed.
"Can I talk to you? Just for a moment." he asked, his accent was really cute actually.
Isabelle also had the same accent. they were both obviously from London.
"Ew no." Isabelle pulled a mock frown
and closed the door, just as she loves you by the Beatles came on.

Jasmine jumped up and danced with Caitlin and Isabelle they were perfectly in synch.
"Lazy butt, get up your learning this." Caitlin said. Isabelle started the song again all here of them started teaching me the dance, by the end of the hour I had the dance nailed.
It was so much fun dancing with the girls, especially when Isabelle and Caitlin choreographed the dances.

Somebody knocked in the door.
Jasmine opened it. "oh, hi. head mistress" she said.
"Girls it's lights out." She turned and left.
Isabelle cut the music.

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