8 Rainbows

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I know it's Louis that has a sunshine smile, but I got this idea, and now I'm going with it.



It's pissing rain. Louis is walking home 'cause his dumbass missed the bus. The water is seeping through his sneakers and is soaking his socks. His hair is weighed by the water in it, and Louis is squeezing his eyes to prevent the water drops from getting in there. He's drenched.

And it went pretty quickly. One, because it's literally pouring from the sky, two, because Louis is walking slower than the old lady that passed him about two minutes ago. His head just feels heavy, and even though he is finally ready to move tomorrow, he can't find a reason to smile. Maybe it's his seasonal depressive period that's coming early, but it seems deeper. As if the dark heavy clouds aren't only in the sky, but in his mind too.

When Louis gets to Liam's place, he just drops his bag and lays on the floor. Liam and Zayn are on a date, and he has the apartment until late night. He doesn't want to ruin furniture that isn't his, by soaking it. So he's laying there, empty mind, on the hardwood floor. He stays there for some time, not paying attention to how long.

All of a sudden he slams his forehead down. Hard. When he takes his head up again the thoughts are back, and his head seems a bit less empty.

What the fuck are you doing? Even the voice in his head has an accent. And he sits up.
What the fuck are you doing? Again.
You've been laying here soaked and freezing, and you just banged your head into the floor. You have to do something else. And so he does. Not what he had expected though. He surprises himself when he heads out of the door, walking towards the elevator. Louis probably should've changed clothes and maybe made some popcorn and watched a movie. Instead he walks right back out in the rain.


As Louis walks into the café he sees him. This time he's not looking back at him. He's facing a girl with a blonde bob, and he's laughing. And once again time seems to stop. His smile lights up Louis' head as the sun and draws a rainbow in the rain. Everything is a little more ok, and Louis decides he wants cake today.

Suddenly a big guy pushes Louis out of his way while mumbling something in an angry tone. At first Louis is about to go crazy, you don't just push him without consequences, but then he realised he had been blocking the door. The guy is gone anyway.

To Louis disappointment the blonde girl walks up to his table to take his order. Although he's sure, he saw a pair of green eyes looking at him.


This week has been a bit messed up, so I haven't been writing as much as I wanted. I hope you enjoy this chapter though.
xx author

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