11 Anxiety

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When there's no more nail polish left on Harry's nails he can scratch off, he starts biting nails lightly. He can't think. He's desperate to know the man's name, but normally they don't ask for customers names. Harry is slightly regretting agreeing to serve the man. Niall had sounded so convincing. Saying that any man, and woman would fall for Harry no matter what their type is. Now it isn't so convincing though. Everything seems like it's falling apart and it's not just his social skills and self esteem. Harry's sitting in the bathroom of the café alone, and his heart is almost jumping out of his chest. Then Harry hears knocking on the door.

"Harry, I know you're in there. Your shift starts soon, Nick's going home," Maria says through the door. Harry doesn't respond. The only thing keeping his hands from shaking violently, is the way he has them clasped around his knees. Suddenly it gets very hard to breathe, and it feels like someone has their hand clenched around Harry's lungs.

"Harry, open the door, please," Maria says softly. Slowly Harry relaxes his arm a bit and reaches his shaking hand for the lock on the door. When he opens it, Maria looks at him with caring eyes. Harry's eyes are wide and filled with panic, but there's no tears forming.

"Hey, hey, you'll be okay. Can I take your hands?" she says slowly. Harry nods a bit. He reaches both his hands forward for Maria to hold them. She takes them and looks Harry in the eyes.

"Breathe with me, careful" she says and takes a deep breath. She holds it shortly and exhales. Even though Harry isn't quite following her rhythm yet, she continues. In through the nose and out through the mouth, while rubbing small circles on Harry's hand with her thumbs.

"Good, just like that," Maria says when Harry's breathing has slowed down a bit.

"You with me?" she says, voice small and careful. Harry nods and his brows furrow. His eyes fill with water, and he sobs quietly. His head falls down, and Maria goes to hug him. They stay like that for a while. When Harry's sobs has stopped, and his chest is rising and falling slowly, Maria pulls away a bit and hold Harry's face. She rubs the tears on his cheeks and under his eyes away. Harry looks at her with bloodshot eyes and wipes his nose with his sleeve.

"There's ten minutes until your shift starts, do want me to stay here for a bit?" Maria says.

"Not here. Kitchen," Harry's voice is raspy from the crying. So they go to the kitchen.

To Harry's luck (or not), the man isn't at the café today. When his shift starts, Harry has calmed down but he's still a bit of a mess.


So I've given Harry anxiety... sorry Harry. I'm gonna do a bit of research on it, but i don't think he has severe anxiety, 'cause I'm not sure if I can write that properly. I'll be writing a lot more now though (I hope).
xx author

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