Chapter 10

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Sejun's POV

"He needs to die.

He deserves it."

Everything was a blur but I can guarantee you that I recognize who owns that voice.

Hearing those words made me feel like a nine inch nail was slowly hammered down to my chest.

"Things like him doesn't belong to this world,

He's just an error that needs to disappear."

She added.

Her voice was lifeless.

"Why bother setting these machines if you intend on killing him?

At this point we all know that if we left him at his cell,

he'll soon expire."

Said the man who's setting up the tubes connected to me.

I tried looking where the voice was coming from.

Then I saw her.

She was standing at the side of the hospital bed I'm lying on.

Everything's quite blurry but I can recognize that face.

I see it everyday.

Those eyes, that nose, her lips...

But today, something's different.

She feels distant.

She feels like a different person

I tried to focus on that familiar face.

Her expression was blank and emotionless.

"I want it to be a slow death.

I want him to suffer.

I want him to feel every inch of pain.

And I want to do it myself,

I want to see him die with my own eyes.

He's just one of my experiments after all."

This can't be real.

I told myself.

She looked at me.

But her eyes were emotionless.

She's saying these painful words to me but something feels strange.

I'm too weak to "read" her emotions but I wanted to believe that she's lying.

She's usually an easy person to read, but at this moment,

She's just too hard to decipher.

She's still looking at me.

I hated myself for being too weak at that moment.

I felt that the loss of blood and the poisons they're injecting me are starting to affect me.

It already started messing with my brain by making me think that she will kill me.

She will help me start anew.

She promised me.

I'm starting to have hallucinations.

I'm starting to hear improper words.

I'm starting to doubt her.


Are these really just hallucinations?

I hope so.

With all the remaining strength I have with me,

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