Chapter 27

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Sejun's POV

"I can, but I won't"

I said as I loosened my grip on her shoulders.

I then hugged her,

She didn't fight back.

I felt her crying.

I hugged her tighter to comfort her.

I can hear her sobs.

I then stepped back and looked at her.

She opened her eyes.

They were red and puffy from crying.

She then pushed me away from her.

"Why don't you just bite me once and for all?

I want this to end now.

What painful words do you still want to hear?

Just do it.


She said.

Her voice was now pleading.

"Why are you being like this?

Are you doing this for me?

If yes, I don't want it."

I told her.

I figured it out,

She's trying to do something for me,

And she's risking her life.

I don't want her to do that.

Even if it's for me,

I don't want her to hurt herself.

"You're just a blood thirsty vampire!

There's no hope for you!

Look at you.

Look at the stains on your clothes.

How many people did you kill to get those."

She again started saying words that might hurt me,

But her expressions show the opposite.

She wanted me to hurt her,

But I know that she's doing it for me.

"No matter what you say,

I won't hurt you."

I told her.

Her eyes were still full of tears.

I turned my back and started to walk.

Then, I heard something breaking.

Like a glass that's being shattered.

"If you won't do it,

Then I'll make you do it!"

She yelled.

I just shook my head in retribution.

Then something happened.

I started to smell something.

Something that I can't say no to.

I turned around and looked at her.

She was smiling.

It was a beautiful smile.

It was sincere.

It was loving.

Then I looked at her hands.

On her right hand was a large shard of glass from the vase she shattered.

She raised her right hand.

Dark red liquid was flowing from her palm.

The droplets hit the floor.

Drop. Drop. Drop.

Then, my mind started to go bonkers.

All rationale abandoned me.

Then, all of a sudden,

I no longer knew who I was.

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