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Sejun's POV

"Where did you get this?"

She asked me as I gave her a tiny white bloom.

She was smiling.

"The dark room"

Her expression changed.

That's the room where I get tortured.

"When did they put you back there?"

She asked.

Her expression is protective.

"Tell me."

She insisted.

"It doesn't matter when.

I'm okay now."

I lied.

I don't feel okay.

I feel like I'm slowly deteriorating.

I felt like dying.

"I wanted to give you something.

Maybe a rose.

But I can't get them in my situation."

I told her while trying to look strong.

She's already having a hard time.

She has problems.

And I don't want to add up to those.

"While I was inside,

I saw this white flower.

It may be tiny but it's still beautiful."

I told her.

She smiled.

"Yes, it's indeed beautiful.

But do you know what this is?

I'm not sure what's the name,

But it's not a flower,

It's a weed."

She said, holding her laugh.

It's weird to find something growing in that dark room.

Weird but not impossible.

Just like what I found inside the thick walls of my cell.



"But still,

I'm keeping it."

She said as she took her handkerchief out.

She carefully wrapped the bloom.

Finding that small bloom inside that dark room is just like us.

We found each other in the most unexpected place.

I was once in the darkest time of my life.

It always felt like a dark starless night.

Then something beautiful arrived.

Something unexpected.

She brought light on my darkest moments.

She was the bloom inside the dark room.

She was my star on a starless night.

She was my Pau.

I came back to my senses when she spoke.

"You have to promise me that next time,

You'll give me a proper flower.


A single white rose."

I nodded.

That's a promise that's yet to happen.


I laid the single white rose on her cold hands.

This is the least I could do for her.

She sacrificed herself to fulfill a promise.

I should at least grant this promise of mine.

It's been minutes since I bawled my eyes out beside her.

I have also read the letter she left me.

Then, I saw another frame at her bedside table.

It was the white bloom I gave her.

Then, I remembered my promise.

A single white rose.

Luckily, I found a flower shop several blocks away.

You won't like what I did just to get that rose.

I'll do anything to have that.

I'm desperate.

I knelt beside her.

Caressed her hair.

I looked at her face.

Still memorizing all of her features.

Just a glimpse of her one last time.

Why do you have to die?

You should have told me your plans.

I don't want to be human if it meant that I won't be seeing you again.

How do you expect me to live happily now?

Right then, I heard noises from the first floor.

I can hear a clunking on the gates.

I can hear several voices.

They're here.

I leaned closer.

Kissed her forehead.

Kissed her lips.

Took a last glimpse of her face.

And ran away...

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