Chapter 22

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Pau's POV

I opened my eyes.

The brightness of the light above me is so blinding.

I blinked several times.

Then I started hearing faint beeps.

Beeps of a life support machine.

Why am I connected to a life support machine?

Did something bad happen to me?

I tried moving my body.

My muscles and joints refused to follow my will.

It felt like I didn't have any control over my body.

I started to panic.

I don't know where I am,

Why am I even here?

I then heard footsteps and muffled voices approaching my body.

One of them walked near me.

I tried looking at his face but a surgical mask is covering his face.

"You're awake."

His voice sounds familiar.

Very, very familiar.

I looked at his eyes.

I know who owns those reddish brown eyes.

I know him very well.

But why?

He pulled a vial of dark red liquid.

The same one I injected him with when he was...

When he was...


When I killed him.

He transferred the contents of the vial to a syringe.

He then injected the liquid to the IV connected to my wrist.

It felt like hell.

The liquid that's now running inside my system felt like lava.

I felt it slowly burning away my arteries and veins.

I want to curl to and a ball and coax the pain,

but I can't.

I can't move my body,

Not even an inch.

He then sat at the edge of the hospital bed.

He removed the mask and looked at me.

He smirked.

A haunting one.

"I bet you didn't expect that karma would arrive this fast."

He said coldly.

"You killed me, I'm just returning the favor."

He added.

As he said those words, the pain became more unbearable.

Everything became much much more painful.

Then I started hearing the life support make an odd sound

The flatline...

But why?

I'm still breathing.

Am I?

People started swarming around me as if trying to revive me.

But he,

He just sat at the edge of the bed staring at me with those vengeful eyes.

He then stood up.

Grabbed the white blanket at my feet.

He started laying it over my motionless body, as if covering it.

When he reached my face he spoke.

"You deserve this."

And placed the white blanket over my face.

I heard him saying my time of death, 11:37 pm.

Everything felt familiar,

Until I realized that this is exactly how I killed him,

With my own hands.

Everything then started to get blurry.

The buzzing noise started to ring inside my head.

Then I shut down.

I recovered consciousness after I felt a piece of cold soil hit my chest.

I opened my eyes,

Chunks of soil started hitting my face.

It then dawned unto me,

I'm being buried alive.

I looked up at the people burying me.

I wanted to tell them that I'm still alive, but I can't.

My mouth wouldn't open.

My muscles don't want to cooperate.

I felt so helpless.

Tears then started falling from my eyes.

This is hopeless.

They're burying me alive and I can't do anything about it.

I had no choice but to look up.

Hoping that one of the grave diggers will see that I'm still alive.

Well, it didn't happen.

Then, he came back.

He just stood there and looked at me.

I'm sure that he knows that I'm still alive.

But he just stood there.

Watching the soil cover me.

Watching me suffer.

Why is he so heartless?

Did I do something wrong?

Did I?

Then I realized.

Sejun might have felt this way...

And it's all because of me.

At that moment,

Cold soil started hitting my face.

Is this really my end?

But I'm just a human.

More soil was covering my face.

I just have to accept my tragic end.

I indeed deserve this.

I then closed my eyes.

Sealing my faith under the soil's embrace.

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