My boo'

219 9 0

September 16,2019

"Hi Clyde" I smiled answering his FaceTime. I just got out of class and was walking to the library to get some work done. It's been about 3 weeks since Clyde and I ended what we had and went back to how things were. "Hey Bon, guess what" he smiled big. I looked down at him. "What is it?" "I got a Date tonight." It felt like my heart stopped when he said that. "That's great Clyde where are you going?" I said with a forced smile. He was bragging about how the girl looks, how they met and he plans on doing as if he wants to make me jealous or something.

"You found a love interest?" He smiled goofily. "I've been talking to this football player, his names Ant and he is so fine I can't even described it" I smiled thinking about him. Ant and I have been spending so much time together and also with my friend. I love hanging out with him he's so funny and cool and gorgeous it's hard for me to take my eyes off him. Clyde had a blank look on his face, I knew I got to him and made him jealous.

"Well go have fun at the library I have a date to prepare for." I smiled and hung up. 'What a bitch' I thought as I walked to the library. He was really trying to rub his stupid date in my face. I pushed the thought out my head and put my air pods in to listen to music while did my homework. As I was finishing up I felt my AirPod being taken out causing me to shoot my head and see Chris.

"What do you want?" I rolled. "Now how did I know Bonnie Anne would be at the library all the way in the back right after school" he smiled innocently. I rolled my eyes and went back to my work. "Wait Bonnie lemme take you out" I looked up at him. "I don't know if I didn't make myself clear but I'm not interested in anything that involves you. Go back to experiencing other women." I rolled my eyes and went back to my work. "You know I can't take no for an answer." I smirked.

"You should really learn how cause my answer will always be no." He sighed "I'm not gonna stop trying to get you Bonita."


"Come Bon you have to come to the game later, your face is the only one I want to see in the crowd." Ant said in the phone. "But my homework and nap." I whined. "Come on Bonnie you know you can do all that and still make it to the game." He was right I'm almost done with my work as we speak I just wanted to hear him beg. "Fine I'll go" I smile small.

"That's my girl, don't forget to we got our hang out after the game." I smiled again "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Go bond with you team or whatever you do before a game." He smirked "before a game I think of you." He winked. "Blah blah go to your team so I can finish up here." I said before hang up. You could say Ant and I are kinda in the talking stage we spend all our time together, we flirt constantly and I like him. I quickly finished the rest of my work before loading my car and driving home. I brought my stuff inside and took a nap on my couch.

When I woke up it was 6 and his game started at 8 watched a little tv and ate a sandwich. I took a shower then went to go get dressed in his blue football shirt that had his number on the back with black ripped jeans and my Jordan's sports blue 6s. I tied my hair in a high ponytail before grabbing my bag and keys to drive to the field.

Once I got there I waited in the line to pay then met with my friends. "Aw look at you wearing your man's jersey." Taz and Joe cooed. "Shut up he's not my man" I smiled small. Were stood in the front row seeing the field clearing. I pulled out of phone once the music started playing and the cheerleaders lined up with the poster the boys were going to run through. Once the beat dropped I saw Calvin and Ant run through the paper I smiled big then flipped the camera on the 3 of us then posted it on Snapchat.

We cheered as they huddled up on the field. Ant looked back looking for me until we looked eyes and he smiled. I waved and blew a kiss. "Aw you guys are the cutest" I smiled and watched him work on the field. I have the best time at these games with my girls and watching the boys go crazy on the field like always.

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