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"6 months man." He smiled as he rubbed my stomach. I smile "Clyde move I have get ready for my appointment." I slightly waddled to the bathroom. I took a shower and walked into the room, "my fucking feet hurt." I sighed agitated with the pain. I searched through my closet and saw most of my clothes wasn't fitting, I had a small fit wanting to cry but I just kept searching till I found a pair of black tights with a black spaghetti strap and my brown cardigan. I slipped into my wheat Air Force once and tired my hair into a ponytail. "Good morning beautiful, what's wrong?" He kissed my head.

"My clothes don't fit anymore and my feet hurt." I pouted. "After the appointment we'll go shop for clothes and then I'll rub your feet okay, you don't have to cry we learn the gender today remember." He pecked my pouted lips. I nodded and ate the breakfast he made then grabbed my purse and got in the car for my appointment.

"Hi mom and dad." Doctor summers greeted us. "You look beautiful Bonnie, you're really glowing." I smiled and laid down as she proceeded to lift my shirt and put the gel on. "You said you wanted to know the gender right?" We nodded. "Okay let's see let's see let's see. Sorry this is my favorite part of the job." she smiled.

"Looks like you'll be having a boy." "I fucking knew it." Clyde cheered. I smiled at him. "Looks like dad's happy. Okay you're doing very well Bonnie your baby boy is very healthy with a strong beating heart, is there any questions?" She looked at us. "Yeah should she still be exercising? Bonnie likes to work out a lot since she's a basketball player." Clyde asked.

"It's good for her to workout but it has to be low impact, she can't be lifting really heavy weights and stuff." He nodded, "is it normal for her to want to have sex all the time?" I covered my face in embarrassment, "oh my god Clyde." I sighed as she rubbed the gel off. The doctor chuckled "yes it's normal to have a high sex drive when pregnant." I fixed my clothes and sat up. "Thank you." I smiled and then left.

"Did you really have to tell her I try to have sex with you all the time?" I chuckled. "I had to know, it's usually the other way around and now if you're not whining your trying to pin me down." He said as he drove. "Fine I'll stop trying and just get like a vibrator or something." He glared at me. "Don't you fucking dare, you never needed one before and you won't need one now. I got you when we get home."

He drove me to the outlet and we walked around getting clothes for me. "You think you need this?" He joked holding an orthopedic shoe. "I don't need shoes Clyde." I playfully threw something at him. "Clyde can we get ice cream?" He nodded and went to drop the bags in the car. He help my hand and we walked to the ice cream parlor. I got cookies and cream with sprinkles and Reese's cup.

"Why did I get ice cream this is why I'm getting fat." I sighed as I ate the ice cream in the car. "You're not getting fat baby you're just pregnant. It's fine to eat the ice cream" he sighed. "Ugh now I'm annoying you, I'll just stop talking and leave you alone." I said lowly as I finished my ice cream." Once we got home I went upstairs and changed into one of Clyde's shirt then laid in bed holding a pillow.

"Bon what are you doing?" He stood at the door frame. "Trying not to annoy you." I said lowly. "You don't annoy me." He laid down behind me holding me. "Yes I do, I'm always fucking whining and crying and angry and you have to deal with it all alone, it's okay if you want to leave me sometimes." I sighed.

"Bonnie I'm not leaving you, you're pregnant and the doctor say all of these out of control and insecure feelings are normal. I love you Bonnie and I'll say it 10 time over if that's what it takes for you to believe me." I turned to face him. "I love you too Clyde." I placed my hand on his cheek he leaned in and kissed me. "We are having a boy." I pulled away to say. "I told you we were." He pulled me on top to straddle him.

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