Chapter 3

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    It was 7:00 pm . All the members had finished their work and were getting ready to leave. They were getting inside the car when seokjin noticed that suga was missing. He asked taehyung to look into suga's studio and tell him that they're leaving. Taehyung went to genius lab (suga's studio) and knocked. When he didn't open the door the third time he barged in.

    He saw that suga was sleeping with his head on the desk. He moved closer to wake his hyung up and that's when he noticed the lunchbox in the dustbin. It looked untouched. He wondered why his hyung didn't eat anything. He knew that his hyung sometimes skipped meal when he got stressed so he just shrugged it off and decided to make sure that he ate dinner.

    He woke suga up. Suga was a little bit annoyed at being woken up but still he grabbed his things and went to the car with taehyung. Jungkook said," what took you so long . I have been waiting for hours." Suga apologized to the younger and got in. Once they reached their dorm suga instantly went to his room and went to the bathroom for a shower.

     Jin was making dinner. His mind kept going back to what had happened earlier this morning. How suga had fainted . And when he had asked him if he was okay he stuttered while answering. Something was definitely wrong with him. He wanted him to be okay. After all he was the eldest amongst all the members.  It was his job to make sure that everyone was doing good.

       The maknae line was sitting on the couch making farting sounds. Namjoon was reading a book. He yelled at them to stop making voices but they didn't listen and just made more louder farting sounds. J hope was practicing dance moves.

      Suga on the other hand was taking a shower. Everything was going good till he saw the small black box in which he kept hidden his blades. He remembered all that had happened today. He needed some relief.

     " yes . You are right. You are just a useless person. They have to cope with a stupid shit like you. You are disgusting , fat and ugly. They hate you. No one wants you."

        His hand automatically went to grab the box . He took out one of the newest blades and started cutting. It gave him relief. His mind was finally at peace. It kept him from going completely insane. He was too lost in the euphoric feeling that he didn't realise how deeply he had cutted. He hurriedly washed them in the sink and then put on bandages all over his arms . He winced when his hand brushed over the opened cuts.

      At that time seokjin was going across the bathroom so he heard the noise he got worried. He decided to ask suga at dinner.

      When seokjin had finally made dinner he called everyone. Everyone came except suga. Jungkook helped jin set the plates. Taehyung noticed that suga wasn't there . He went to his hyung's room and knocked.
suga asked, "what is it?"

     Taehyung replied ," dinner is ready,hyung. I came to get you."

  " I'm not hungry"

    Taehyung knew it was the right moment as no one was near so he said to suga ," Eat dinner or else I am going to tell everyone that you didn't eat lunch."

    Aish, how did he knew. Suga finally said, "okay. I'm coming."

     Suga went and sat. They all were chatting and enjoying dinner. Suga didn't want to eat. He was already so fat . He can't get more ugly. Jimin concerned asked suga about why he wasn't eating . Suga said that he wasn't hungry to which taehyung said sarcastically "what a lie". Jimin confused looked between them. Suga was giving death glare to taehyung. Suga then started to eat slowly. He ate slowly and took smaller bites to make it look like he had eaten alot.

     Seokjin asked him" I heard you wincing in the bathroom . Are you hurt?" This made suga choke on his food. J hope who was sitting beside him gave him a glass of water. Suga drank it and said while not looking at seokjin " oh yeah . I'm fine. I just tripped over something" . Seokjin didn't believe him but still he nodded.

     After eating suga went to the bathroom and made himself vomit by sticking two fingers up his throat.

     " how could you eat even when you know how ugly and fat you are. You are a fat pig. Go die. Kill yourself."

       Tears came into his eyes and he sobbed while sitting on the bathroom floor beside the toilet seat. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he be happy like everyone else? He just wanted to be a normal happy person. Why was it so difficult?


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