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On the outskirts of mathura there lived a woman named Kamala.She had a small cottage where she lived all alone, her husband died a long time ago. She only had one son who left her too for the sake of some gold coins. She earned a living by weaving baskets and selling them in the markets of Mathura. She could hardly feed herself from the money she earned but with having such a kind heart she used to give half of her share to the needy. Sometimes she didn't even have a single grain for herself yet she still had a smile on her face knowing that those people won't be sleeping with an empty stomach.

She had seen the rage and terror of Maharaj Kans. She witnessed the cruel punishments that Maharaj sentenced for his own pleasure. Everyday seeing the soldiers lashing out on people broke her heart. Going to the market itself was such a painful task knowing that she would have to see those poor people getting beaten by the soldiers for no apparent reason. She herself got beaten in the middle of the road several times when she tried helping those people. Her will to protect and help the victims never wavered even though she had several deep scars that ran across her back.

Kamala prepared garlands and wished to give blessings to princess Devaki on her marriage with Vasudev ji. She saw Maharaj driving his sister's chariot when the prophecy got foretold. She watched in horror as Kans raised his sword to kill Devaki ji only to get his sword intercepted by Vasudev ji. Soon enough the word of the prophecy, the hope of arrival of Taranhar spread across the kingdom. People silently rejoiced as they waited for their Taranhar to appear. Kamala on the other hand didn't wanted the little son of Devaki ji to get hurt or get beaten by Kans. She worried about him and prayed to the Gods to help this little child and keep him save.

Years had passed and Kamala grew old and old. Her body was not keeping up with her age. Stories of the son of Yashoda and Nand ji was the topic of discussion on every one's lips. She had heard so much about this mysterious, naughty boy of Gokul, how he stole butter from the villagers, how he miraculously managed to defeat all the demons sent by Kans, the way he made not only all the brajvasi but also all the animals in braj drown in the ocean of ecstasy everytime he played his flute. Whenever maharaj Kans sent all those demons to kill Krishna all she could think was about his safety. All the villagers in Mathura talked about how he is their Taranhar, the one who is going to save them. Kamala on the other hand could not help herself praying for this little boy's safety. People called her mad that she is praying for the savior himself but her heart no matter what people said always wished for his well being.

Her visits to the market became less when she started getting sick. Nobody came to help or ask if she needed any help. Kamala all by herself in the cottage dreamt of Yashoda's son. She fantasized about how she would bathe him then she will make him wear beautiful garments made of flowers since she was afraid that the ornaments might pierce his body or weigh him down. She dreamt of weaving different colourful silk fabrics for him and make him sit on her lap as she fed him all the dishes she made by her own hands. She imagined him running around the cottage and filling it with his melodious laughs. She wished to hear him say 'Ma'. Even if her body was in a lot of pain all these imaginations in which she was immersed in made her forget all that pain and suffering.

She was almost at her death bed and all she could think about was Krishna. She laughed in her imaginations and cried when she found herself in the lone cottage pleading him to call her mother at least once, to see him smile in front of her. It was time for her to leave the body when Krishna arrived but she couldn't see him properly as her vision had weakened. She asked weakly,"Who are you? What do you want?" Krishna smiled and replied,"Maiya don't you recognise me? I've finally come". "You came!", her happiness knew no bounds,"I've waited for you for so long where had you been. I can't even see you properly. I wanted to do so much for you, now I don't even have the strength to get up", she cried. Wiping her tears, he said,"Don't worry Maiya I'll come again and give you all the pleasures of motherhood. I promise. For now rest my dear mother . We will meet again". He closed her eyes gently.

Hello, I thought maybe I could try and write on another bhav other than Madhurya. It's something I've never tried before so I would really appreciate if you could tell me if I should continue. Would you like to read a story like this? Do tell me in the comments. If you liked reading it please do vote. Thank you for reading.

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