The interview

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Nanda's POV

Under normal circumstances, I would have been sweating like crazy because of all the pent up nervous energies doing summersaults in my stomach and not to mention the enormous lobby as you enter the office building making you feel like an insignificant bug and yet none of that bothered me at that moment my mind kept going back to that beautiful boy, his big smile and those beautiful kind eyes. Who was he? Where did he come from? How did he know I had an interview. The strangest thing was I felt an instant connection with him, a boy I've never met before. I had this yearning in my heart to see him once again, to hear the words "Ma" from his lips. It never even occurred to me how unusual it was for him to call me that, it just felt natural. If I ever found that boy again the first thing I want to do is know more about him. I tried desperately to cover up the smile that now sat on my face but  to no avail, it was as if his smile was contagious. 

I walked up to the receptionist, "Good morning I am Nanda. I am here for the interview". "Of course, you can go to the 2nd floor and there you'll find the HR's cabin". "Thank you very much". I reached his cabin and as I was about to knock on it, I heard two people arguing about something. 

Voice one: "I need another design for this site. This way we won't be able to attract any attention. We need something that is appealing to our audience. It should reflect our resolve to do best for the society". 

Voice two: "But sir we have to launch the site within 3 days, we don't have that much time to remodel it". 

Voice one: "AND WHY DO YOU THINK THIS HAS HAPPENDED?! It was because you didn't complete it in TIME!" 

Talk about bad timing, with this mood, HR is sure to reject me. But I've come so far, I can't give up. With shaking hands I knock. "WHAT NOW? I'm in middle of something ". I peered through the door, "Sir, I-I'm h-hear for t-the in-interview". There was a tall man, fair skin now looking very pale with his back turned on me. Then my eyes followed where the HR was seated, he seemed like he was in his forties, with tanned skin, a bald head and a goatee. He looked strict alright but there was something in his eyes that said he is very passionate about his work and experienced which demanded respect. HR raised his brow and in a very taunting tone spoke, "Oh, You do realize that you're late right? What makes you think I'll be interested in taking you in after this?" "Yes sir, I'm truly sorry for causing such inconvenience. But I'm here to make a difference with my work. I worked very hard to score this interview, so I couldn't back down". He folded his arms, "Hmm, at least she is honest and is ready to accept her mistake. Alright, I'll give you a chance. Pratik, show her the site. Now look very carefully and tell me all the changes that you would make". I saw the site, it wasn't bad or anything but it wasn't good either. I quickly pointed out some color contrasts and places where information seemed scattered and suggested a few pointers. "Not bad, I liked the way you think. Pratik from today onwards she'll be joining your team and start working on the suggestions that Ms. Nanda suggested here. "Yes sir!", Pratik my soon to be manager replied with a relief and rushed out of the cabin. "Usually we complete all the document processes and formalities before joining but since we are racing against time with this project I hope you don't mind working from today itself, we'll parallelly complete your proper joining". "Yes sir, I'll get on with it". "And Nanda next time if I see you late there'll be consequences". I gulped and nodded frantically.

The next few hours I got acquainted with the team- Arya(the overly optimistic one, according to Tannish), Tannish(the irritating one by Arya), Tara(the hard worker according to Pratik), Ronak(the childish one according to...well let's just say everyone) and our manager Pratik(I tried calling him sir but he insisted on calling him by his name) and soon I became a part of it. We got to the editing part and somehow we managed to get half of the work done. 

Arya: "I told you we'll get it done in no time. I believe in us".

Tannish: "Well I am ready to believe in everyone accept you. OUCH! What did you do that for!"(In case you are wondering, Arya hit him pretty badly)

Tara: "At least we have something to look forward too".

Ronak: "Yes! The power of team Super Members".

*Everyone gives out a deep sigh*

Pratik: "Let's wrap up for today. Nice job everyone".

I suddenly remember that I didn't call ma, she must be worried sick about me. I dashed outside after saying my goodbyes and called her, "Do you know how late it is? I was so worried. Did you check your phone I called at least 10 times. So what happened? did it go well?" To be honest I wanted to pretend that I didn't get in but I already had caused so much trouble so I decided otherwise , "It didn't just go well, I got in and sir told me to immediately start working for him because... long story. When I'll come home, I'll tell you all about it". "Alright then come soon".

I hanged up the phone. As I was walking down the street I saw a yellow piece of cloth hanging right behind the wall. Suddenly the mysterious boy's face flashed in front of my eyes. I ran to catch up to him but when I reached there, there was no one. "Searching for me?", a child's soft and gentle voice said. I turned around to see him smiling in front of me. This time he was leaning against a staff. He looked divine. My voice failed me and I stood there gapping at this boy with something cold running down my cheeks. "Didn't I tell you everything will be alright", he chuckled. His laugh felt like music to my ears. At that moment, all I could think about was carrying him in my arms and adore him till the end of time. "Soon, it'll happen!" and just like that he disappeared into thin air.    

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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