Welcome to the Modern age

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Kamala began her journey to motherhood as she took a rebirth in this modern age. She reincarnated as Nanda. Clueless of her past and potential she walked on a path unknown to her.


"Mommy! Mommy! I want a baby. I'll take care of that baby. I'll be a mommy too", five year old Nanda expressed her wish. "I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother someday my dear", Sunita, Nanda's mother replied with a gentle smile. "But mommy I want my baby now", Nanda cried. Sunita handed her a doll,"Consider this as your baby", she said. Nanda on the other hand caressed the doll. "I'll name you. From today you'll be called Kisnaa". "That's a beautiful name honey. You know I have a story for you. It is about a small boy named just like your baby. His name was Krishna.. " .Nanda's ears drank in the stories of Krishna as her love for the dark hued boy increased."...And he lifted the Govardhan Mountain on his tiny finger for seven days", Sunita continued. Tears streamed down her little face. Shocked by the tears flowing from her daughter's eyes, Sunita cradled her daughter in her arms and asked the reason for her crying. "His hands must have grown so tired by holding the mountain and legs must've pained so much just by standing for seven days long. Did he eat anything at all during that time? What if he caught cold due to the rainfall?" Sunita was surprised to hear so much concern for the God. "Dear he was a God. He was their Taranhar. Nothing would have happened to him", she said comforting her little child. "But he is just a little kid",she whispered,"My kid"...

Years passed by and Nanda grew into a beautiful young lady with incredible compassion and a soft spot for children. The incidents of her childhood had faded from her memory.

Nanda's POV

I stood there in front of the mirror. I tied my hair in a bun which took almost 20 minutes because of my unruly curls, with a formal outfit, ready for the interview. I had to look confident, calm and collected. This was my chance to contribute something to the society. I wanted to develop websites for a non profit organizations harbouring orphans. I had to get in this project to achieve my dreams. I took another look at myself and saw my hands shivering from nervousness. Pull it together Nanda! I said to myself. I walked past my room. Ma was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, I watched her for a while she had beautiful black, etched with white strands of straight hair neatly tied into a braid. Her face had lines near her eyes as a result of constantly smiling. Her brown skin glowed with warmth as she seemed so immersed in her work. She wasn't just adding the ingredients, she was pouring the sweetness of love in it too. She looked like a goddess to me at that moment. I stepped into the kitchen and Ma gave me a beautiful smile for a second I almost forgot my anxiety and nervousness. I bowed down to touch her feet. She placed her hand on my head. The feeling that I felt was indescribable. It soothed all my nerves. This was the power of a mother, I thought to myself. Smiling to myself I went to my father. He was reading his newspaper with his nose immersed in it. He gazed up at me from his paper. His eyes looked ancient as if he had seen life in all it's glory. He was going to retire soon and thus responsibility of the family was soon going to fall on my shoulders. I touched his feet too and he said,"I know you'll make me proud, my child. Good luck". I don't know if that boasted my confidence or put more pressure on me. Regardless I packed up some mints, a book and a deodorant in my purse.

It took me almost an hour to reach the main building office because of the traffic. Great start! Already late to the interview. I glanced at the office building. It was an 18 storeys glass building. I was literally gapping at it, wondering how did I even score this chance. Someone pulled my shirt, I looked down and saw a beautiful boy about 4-5 years old with dark complexion, pink lips adorning a big grin and huge eyes filled with moisture so it looked like they were sparking in the sun. He wore a golden yellow shirt with white pants. I sat down on my knees to take a good look at him. I just couldn't take my eyes off this little boy. He was the very definition of beauty. He handed me a beautiful bunch of parijat flowers. I was so immersed in his form that I forgot to notice he was giving those flowers to me. He called me,"Ma, wish you all the luck for your interview". I took those flowers from him. I took a second to appreciate the flowers and his wish but as soon as I lifted my head he was gone. I felt something wet on my cheeks. I touched it only to notice that I had tears flowing down on my face. Why was I crying? Who was he? Who sent him?How did he know about the interview? I stood up wiped my eyes and a sudden realisation hit me, he had called me 'Ma'. I walked slowly towards the building as his face kept appearing in front of my eyes.

Hello, so our little Krishna has entered Nanda's life from here on how will he make her realize the love hidden inside of her? Stay tuned to find out. I hope you liked this chapter. If you liked it do vote and comment. Thank you for reading.

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