
29 1 4

Name: Y/N

Age: 14 (For now)

Nationality: American

Sexuality: Straight

You are part of a band called "Just Sing", you are a lead dancer and rapper and also have the biggest place in the spotlight of your group. Everyone thinks that your life is not that hard and you are a natural at handling problems (which is not true at all) except your best friend Yui. 

She happens to get a spot in Karasuno High for you. You hate your life, so you immediately start packing and move to Japan. You are living at your cousin's house, his name is Kageyama Tobio and he is going to start high school with you. 

He is also really talented in volleyball and will join the Karasuno Volleyball Team, you used to play volleyball in middle school too, but just like Kageyama, you were shut down by your team because of your attitude. You are going to high school in disguise so that no one recognizes you. This will give you a chance to live a normal life! 

You disguise is a super curly hair wig, freckles (makeup), and a style of clothing you would like to wear but can't because of your job.

You are looking forward to high school and are going to try to become the assistant manager of the Karasuno Boy's Volleyball Team, just to see your cousin, Kageyama play.

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