The Blonde Monkey

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---Your POV---

This school is freaking amazing!!! I look around with sparkles in my eyes. Hinata pokes me on the back, "Yes Hinata?" I ask. He replies, "Just call me Shoyo, and I think that girl is trying to call you. But...". I was confused and looked at the direction he was pointing at...

OH NO! That's Yui, she's probably trying to figure out what she should call me! I thanked Shoyo for letting me know and ran over to her. "Hey, Yui! If you are wondering what to call me, just call me Kageyama Hana!".

With a shocked look on her face, she replied, "Isn't that your cousin's last name though?!". I looked at her confusingly and asked her if that was a problem. She sighed and said, "I don't know how to tell you this Y/N, but Kageyama, I mean your cousin doesn't really have a good reputation around here".

I knew that this might be the case because of that incident that happened in middle school. "Oh well!" I replied and started walking to class with Yui.

Suddenly I crash into this tall af dude! Oh, now I was MAD! "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING Y-YOU GIRAFFE!" I yelled out. I pulled my head up and saw the tallest blondie I have ever seen (honestly he kinda reminded me of a large banana) smirking right at my face.

"Sorry I don't talk ant, couldn't see you from up in my giraffe world chibi-chan", he with the evilest devilish smirk I have ever seen. Oh, it's game on Animal Planet! "I just looked at him, stood up and left, silently". 

In the background here his green-haired boyfriend just staring at us like he was sorry. I kinda felt bad so I just nodded and smiled at him, looks like we will get along just fine!

Yui drags me to class and says," I know you have never been to a Japanese school before, but please don't talk back to the teacher! Teachers here will not ignore your petty comments like the ones in America did".

I just looked at her and said, "Relax! I won't do anything!". Then a blonde girl comes near me and says hello. Damn, I am a blondie magnet today! "Hello!" I greeted her back. She asked me if she wanted to be friends and I said yes. She seems sweet! 

And.... then I see the blonde monkey sitting at the back of my class. This day will be great!....


I am discontinuing this story and making a Rock Lee x Gaara Fanfiction. Pls don't come at me it's just that I have been recently reading a lot of stories based on that ship and I completely love it! If you watch Naruto nad like the ship pls come check it out! 

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