2. Yoongi: The Stubborn Award Goes To...

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Yoongi's POV

I had just gotten woken up for the busy day, we were going to an award show today. We are nominated for 4 awards and we are also performing Save Me, I'm Fine, and Idol. I was not looking forward to it. I was getting dressed in some comfy clothes for the fact that we are just going to practice. I felt a familiar feeling settling into my chest. It wasn't uncommon, it happens all the time. Being a K pop idol with anxiety makes everything slightly harder but I manage. I finish getting ready and get my bag together for the day. I start to feel the slight pain in my lungs hit a little harder as I descend down the staircase, where I am met with all the other members standing and waiting for me.

"Yoongi, are you ready to go, we have to be at the performance center in a half hour?" Namjoon asked me. He always gets a little panicky and paranoid because he is the leader.

"Yeah, I am ready to go." I told everyone as we made our way out of the hotel. I sat in the van, and felt my breaths getting hard to take in. I sat back and closed my eyes trying to think of anything to get the panic to fade from my body.

"Yoongi, are you okay, you sound wheezy?" Jimin whispered from next to me.

"Yeah I am alright Jimin, I go through this every time, I just need to calm myself before we get there." I explained to him for the 100th time. My anxiety and panic attacks weren't anything new, they were just scary and I have never had an actual panic attack at something like this before.

Jimin's POV

I am a little worried about Yoongi, I am right next to him and can hear the wheezing with my own ears and he still says he is fine. Sure he goes through this every time, but I'm still worried about the fact that he has never panicked this badly, this early before the event even starts, so what is so different about today? He is sitting with his head rested against the window, eyes closed, but the wheezing doesn't seem to be fading. Am I worrying too much?

"Yoongi, are you sure you are okay, you don't seem to be calming down?" I ask again trying to help without bothering him to the point of making him mad. He looks at me with a look of frustration.

"Jimin I am okay, you need to stop asking and trust that I will tell you if I feel I can't handle it." He told while resting his head against the window again and letting his eyes fall shut. I am still really worried, but maybe I am just over reacting.

Yoongi's POV

Jimin was starting to get on my nerves, but I told him I wouldn't let it get too bad, the rest of the ride to the performance center was quiet. I felt the car come to a stop and heard everyone around me getting out. I assume they thought I had fallen asleep, because I feel someone shake my shoulder slightly.

"Yoongi, we are here." Jin whispered in my ear being the one to shake me "awake". I pretend I had fallen asleep and started acting like someone who just got woke up would.

"I am up, give me one second to get my things." I told Jin as I grabbed the bag at my feet. I felt the tightness in my chest still and couldn't help but worry. I saw Jimin staring at me like I was going to disappear if he looked away.

"Jimin I am alright, let's get to practicing." I told him so he would stop staring. Practice went smoothly, and I was distracted so I wasn't really affected by the tightness much, but as soon as practice was over and we made our way backstage to our dressing room the tightness kicked back at me stronger than before, catching my breath in my throat.

"Yoongi, are you okay? You look like you're in pain?" Jin asked, causing everyone to turn and look at me.

"I am okay, I just realized how tired I am. Let's get ready, the show starts soon." I told them and they all looked concerned but went to their racks and grabbed their outfits. I felt myself start struggling to breath and I could physically hear myself wheezing after I had finished getting ready.

"Yoongi hyung, are you okay? You don't look so good." Taehyung asked, as he noticed me walk back into the main room. I shook my head and he ran up to me. "What's wrong?" I could see the concern on his face.

"Tae, get hyung." I choked out to him, not being able to breath. He walked me over to a chair and sat me down and ran out of the room. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down, until I heard Jin's voice.

"Yoongi, I need you to look at me." He said, I opened my eyes and saw him right in front of me and the rest of the boys standing behind him.

"Hyung." I tried to speak but he immediately shushed me.

"Yoongi, you have been through this before, just remember that you are safe. I am here, the other boys are here. You are okay." He told me, trying to get me to think positively. I thought about him and the boys and the memories we have from throughout the years. "Yoongi, I need you to stay with us, open your eyes please." I heard the panic in his voice. I opened my eyes, I didn't realize I had closed. I thought about the memories again and felt my chest start to relax slowly. Jin just watched and waited for me to tell him I am alright.

"Jin hyung, I am starting to relax, I can breathe again, slightly." I told him but you could still hear me wheezing a little bit. Jin turned to Namjoon.

"Go get a medic, and tell them that we just need him checked out." Namjoon nodded and left the room. A minute and a half later Namjoon walks back in followed by an older man with a medical bag. He listened to my breathing and took my pulse.

"Okay Yoongi, you seem to be wheezing still so we are going to give you oxygen and you should be fine." He told me as he set everything up and then put a mask over my face. Jimin stepped forward and grabbed my hand.

"I knew something was wrong, why did you wait to tell us?" He asked, I just shrugged, and I saw the concern slowly leave their faces. I knew then I was going to be alright, I finished my time with the oxygen mask. We went on stage and performed perfectly, we also won all the awards we were nominated for. I am happy with how today turned out, I just wish I would have been less stubborn.

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