Quick note

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As an author of horribly horribly subpar poetry I frequently find myself hoping that the messages I try to convey actually find their way through. Every poem I write is backed by a strong belief or emotion of mine. Perhaps hatred for feeling in general, more specifically love. Perhaps hope that some day one person may find the true meaning of my abhorrent writing and understand what I've been trying to convey to them. Perhaps the overwhelming, comforting knowledge, that as human beings, most of us our worthless. We will live our lives taking and taking and taking and never return. To die and be buried in a coffin, our bodies being taken away from the cycle of birth, death, then decomposition. All of these are very real thoughts that I experience while writing my absolute dumpster fire poetry. It came to me though, that everyone will interpret it differently. That no poem will ever have just one meaning. It's hard to accept that my true intended meaning will never reach a large group of people who read it. But also comforting in knowing that people will have different opinions, and possibly take away more meaning than I intended. Maybe someone will blow over it entirely. Who knows. All I can say for certain is: thanks for reading the insanely inadequate rhyming ramblings of a complete and total mad lad (me).

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