Chapter 20: Drunken Targets

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*Ara's POV*

"No." Nate stated firmly denying my will to learn new information about who he's fucked! I sat back in my seat with a huff and folded my arms like a child.

I sat at the very back with Jordan and Jamila. She fell asleep but we got her address before she dosed off. She came with Kole in his car so we didn't have to figure out the situation about her car, which I'm thankful for.

She rested peacefully in my lap as I stroked her hair, I gave her some spare clothes I had in the car so she could discard the ones she had on. Joe is still boiling a bit and Kay is contemplating on how to make Kole suffer which he will let me in on when he figures it out.

Kaiden will make sure he doesn't try this with another girl ever again. He will destroy him at every corner if necessary. Trust me I watched this happen first hand.

"Fourth ave and eighty first right Ara?" Ty asked as I looked out to the driver's seat.

"Yeah." I answered as he took a right turned a few seconds later he pulled up to her house and I gently shook her awake. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" I asked her worried and she shook her head no.

"No it's fine. T-thank you" I helped her out of the car and into her house.

"Look. Just cause you're friends with Jen that doesn't mean that you aren't human nor does it mean that I won't help you guys out." She looked at me confused. "You didn't have to ask I already knew what you wanted to say to me. So here's my number." I wrote my number on a notepad near her door.

"Call me anytime, even at four in the morning. I guarantee I'll be up to answer." I told her smiling and she nodded. I turned around and left closing the door behind me and hopping back into the car.

"Finally." Jordan said as I sat down and Ty pulled off for our next drop off. Jordan adjusted himself so that he would lay on his back in my lap but instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on tits!

Great! I swear to GOD I will cut my tits off!

"Get off." I tried to push him off but he just hugged me tighter, slowly slipping away from the land of the living into the realm of dreams. "Why does he have to be drunk?" I groaned to myself in agony. Considering he doesn't live too far from us he'd be one of the last people we drop off! Ughhhh! I tried pushing him off again but shit, he won't budge.

"Stop pushing me away." he whined softly with his eyes closed. I wonder what he means by that? That could have billions of meanings. Sigh, I'm reading too much into it now.

It was never that serious Ara.

I'm definitely still drunk as fuck.

I looked down at him to see how peaceful he looked. His arms were warm and firm. He was so much bigger than me yet he's here being a baby WHY DOES HE GET TO BE SO ADORABLE!?! He's so cute while he sleeps, and if I'm being one hundred percent honest his lips are so kissable right now. THEY'RE HARD TO RESIST!


I seriously need to sober up. Drunk me is fifteen times hornier.

"Bye guys." Noah said as he got out of the car pulling me from my daze.

"Bye." I answered back as Noah practically dragged Joe out of the car, he's pissed and drunk. A horrible combo. Zayn hopped out as well because he didn't live far from them, his house was walking distance.They walked inside of the house and Ty pulled off heading for the next drop off point.

I looked down at Jordan before taking the time to look at his tattoos. I barely could make out what they were but they were still visible in the moonlight. My eyes trailed from his arm up to around the back of his neck almost. He had a quote there.

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