Madam Misaki

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Days passed without any hitched. The news of Chairman Akage launching a new business was reported in Japan. Here in the Philippines, life in the penthouse is steady. And for the first time, I am just enjoying that feeling of peace in my household.

The boys are busy at school. Zane is busy at work. The celebration party for Robin's swimming team is all set, I finished making preparations for it. The venue, the food, the drinks, the concept, the security and the invitations are all ready. I'm happy with my work.

Plus, the laundry are all done. Dinner prep was over and I have enough time to garden and have coffee and homemade biscuits. I think I will feel thankful today.

Thankful that Zane called when he got some free time.

"Do you want to go out and watch a movie this weekend?" Zane asked. "When's the last time we had a simple date alone? Lets do that. Go out and watch a movie with me, pet."

"Sure. I would love that," I smiled while listening to his invitation for a date.

"Are you having a good day at the house?" Zane asked.

"Good enough. I'm waiting for a clothing store to send racks of their clothes here, on which I will choose from to replace some of Blu's old things. I cleaned out Blu's closet and he needs new light sweaters and pants. I called a store to send their new collection and see if I will buy them for Blu."

"Good," Zane approved of that plan. "Lets make sure the boys are always properly dressed. Especially Blu. Just because he is an orphan now, doesn't mean he could run around looking unkept in old garments. He needs to be presentable."

"I'm on it." I smiled at Zane's tone of concern for Blu. He might say that he will always choose Master Robin but my lover couldn't keep his concern for Blu from me. I know him.

"If you see something that will suit Robin's taste, buy that as well." Zane said. "Oh, I have to go. My next appointment is here. Don't tire yourself too much from doing chores, Gilbert. Take a break if you have to. I love you,"

"I will. I love you too. Get home safe, okay? Message me?"

"I will," Zane ended that call with a sweet "goodbye".

I smiled upon remembering that conversation. I like it when Zane's thoughts are filled with his concern for the boys. It must be a good break from him thinking about the business and the bank.

I was about done with my coffee and biscuit when the security on the lobby called about the store's personnels coming with the clothes I requested from their catalog. I told the security to escort them to the penthouse. While waiting for them to come, I readied the beverage and snack for the store staffs who are working extra to accomodate my orders for new apparels for Blu.

I welcomed them into our home. Three racks full of clothes protected by big plastic covers and two store personnels in uniform, clean ponytail and face masks.

"You can place them here," I indicated a wide empty space near the aquarium. "Do you want to drink something? I prepared drinks and food in case you two get thirsty or hungry. It's a serious work to haul racks of clothes from your store,"

I know it's their job and they are getting paid for it but I still make it a point to be nice to store and restaurant workers. They are giving good service and as a server like them, I feel a camaraderie with them. What am I anyway but a glorified butler, cook and nanny in this house. Sure, I earn almost a seven figure salary but I'm just a worker like them.

And no one gets hurt is you are nice to service people. Or tip them generously.

"Juice will do, Sir." Said one of the ladies. I nodded and went to the kitchen to ready their drinks. When I came back, I was surprised to find that one of the ladies left. Only one of them remained.

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