Second Meeting

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(Dazai POV)

It has been a week since I met the beautiful red headed tengu and I have been walking into the clearing every night after our first meeting to see if it is that place or that tengu that was pulling me there.
After this week I had started to loose hope of seeing him again so tonight when I felt that same pulling feeling I immediately stood up and headed to the forest walking further until I reached the clearing and just like I hoped, he was sitting there.
On the same boulder as last time and I realized, it was him. My fated partner. He looked up to the moon and I walked forward asking him what he was doing there.
He looked at me and told me he had just wanted time for himself and just ended up there, and asked me the same question. I told him I had been on a walk and this place was something I always walked to. He jumped down from the boulder and looked at me, blinked slowly and then sat down dragging me down with him. It's not as if I really minded, after all I fell onto his lap, but he immediately pushed me off, I sat up and asked what he was doing. He looked at me and told me he, even with the war going on, wanted to get to know me, I was so happy to hear that and we spent the next three hours just talking. At some point he suddenly got up, informing that he had to leave, but that he'll be waiting here next week, same day, same time and flew off. If I said my tails weren't wagging out of happiness that he wants to see me again I'd be lying. I went home and knowing I had to work the next day went to sleep, happier than I had been in a while.

And Then I Met You Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ