Fifth Meeting

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Author here! I just wanted to mention that today is my 16th birthday🎉🎂 Without further blabbering oh with the story!
Also may contain lemon/lime🍋
Then I should probably say that this chapter is longer than the rest

It's been three days since me and Chuuya last met and tomorrow night we will see again. Oh I really miss him and those soft lips. Suddenly I felt my friend Oda tap my shoulder and heard him ask what was up, because apparently I was spacing out. I told him not to worry about it and gave him a smile, walking towards mine and Chuuyas secret place, gathering blankets and pillows as well as some peaches from my home.
When I arrived at our place I started looking for a perfect spot to make a small blanket fort or a nest. Soon I found what I was looking for and made the blanket fort, put the peaches down and hoped that tomorrow would come quickly.

(time skip to the next day AKA the lemon? Part and a switch to Chuus POV)

It's finally been four days and I'm going to meet Osamu today. I decided to take some of the tengus secret sake with me because he did say it was his favorite. When I snuck out of the house my mother figure Koyou or Ane-san as I call her noticed me and asked where I was going, so because I didn't want to get caught hanging out with a kitsune (the war if someone forgot) I told her I'm going on a patrol and took my sword strapping it to my waist and taking off in to the sky.
I finally arrived at the place where we have met for a while now and he was there waiting for me! I landed into his arms and kissed his nose as a greeting, which made him smile and wag his tails. He then noticed my sword and asked why I had it so I told him that my mother saw me when I was leaving and had to take it as a cover up. He then nodded and started carrying me somewhere.
When we got to the spot he put me down and led me inside the blanket fort and we took some time to talk, eat and drink. Around ten minutes later he suddenly came forward kissing me to which I obviously answered with a kiss of my own. We fell on the forest floor still kissing and now talking each other's clothes off. Then we had to stop since we couldn't breathe and he started kissing my neck and shoulders continuing to take my clothes off and kissing, sucking and biting my neck, shoulder and chest...
(this is author here, and I'm really sorry but I will not continue that because I am confident I will mess it up somehow, so skip to after what happened)

(Dazai POV)
We have now gone all the way and Chuuya is currently sleeping on me, kiss and bite marks on his neck and shoulders. I still can't believe that happened but his moans and gasps playing in my head are proof enough. I think he should be going back home before he gets in trouble, but I don't want to wake him up..... I pulled covers over us and fell asleep with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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