Chapter 1

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Y/N!Y/N! The shouting makes me scream awake instead of peacefully."Yes mom". "Don't you have to go to U.A Today?Me realizing that it is my first day but I only have 20 minutes to get there. My Sister comes in.Haha your going  to be late in your first day. "No I'm not.

3rd Pov
Y/n put on his school uniform as fast as possible but he didn't realize that his shirt was on backwards!"Ok mom I'm ready"Y/N said with confidence. "Talk to me when your actually ready"
"Huh?" Y/N looks down with confusion and sees what she mean."Ok NOW I'm ready"."Aww you look so cute". "Mom we've been over this already" Y/N says with a small grin."I know but I can't say no to your cute little outfit"Mom says with a sad face. "Ok but just this once." Y/N say with a sarcastic tone."Ok now you head along and remember to have a good day!" Mom says happily."Ok I won't let you down".Bye Mom,and bye little Suki."Bye big Brother!

Y/N Pov
As I'm leaving the big house I'm keeping my shoulders up and eyes forward for this once in a lifetime opportunity to becoming a hero!

As I'm walking to U.A I see a cute little family of five Frogs.One looks like she's going to U.A like I am.The smallest one looks at me and waves.(And of course I wave back) The other small one stares at me with a dead look.Me Choking on my spit causing me to cough very loud.The Five Stares at me.As I'm finding it very difficult to not sweat a lot . I see my childhood friend, Mina at the Entrance. "Mi Mi! N/N! I missed you. We just saw each other  last week."Thats a long time for me" Mina said with puppy eyes."Soo did you find your juliet, Y/N?" "No,Mina I told you already I don't wanna date anyone,I'm fine by myself." "You said that in middle school but you dated the most popular girl in school".Mina said with a Angry look on her face. "Ok,but that was middle school were in high school."Y/N  said with a smug face. "Ok N/N I'll give you that"."Riiiinnng"Oh the bell come on N/N! Ok". "So  what class did you get I got 1-A"Mina said with excitement. "Me too!" Y/N said screaming. "So you ready for this?"Mina Said "You Know it.We take our first step into the big classroom Door.

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