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                     TROUBLE IN PARADISE


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"You are so full of shit Michael." Joselyn mutters harshly as she picks up her cup, chugging the remaining alcohol swirling in the bottom.

"It was one time, Jo." He sighs, "we weren't even together anyway."

Somehow, we'd ended up in Mickey's back yard in what his father calls 'the den' - the place is pretty much a squat house. I can confidently say that I had never in my life witnessed so much illegal substance in such a small space, I'm pretty sure this place would earn a world record for the most grass stashed in the entire state of Indiana. Packets upon packets lined up along the wooden shelving, as well as beneath the floorboards. You can probably imagine the scent. Mick's dad is a very intriguing man.

We've been here for a few hours now, those hours consisting of low quality booze and games of poker along with a side of shit talking which never falters within this friendship group. Although, for the past ten minutes things had managed to take a sharp turn.

"It doesn't matter if we were together or not Mick." Jo rolls her eyes in annoyance, "that doesn't mean I need to know about it."

Mick had subtly made a comment about his previous endeavours with the girls in our grade, one standing out in particular to Joselyn - Carol Perkins. Though I don't know the entire story, I do know that Mickey had taken her behind the bleachers for some TLC during a third period last year. Whether anything occurred after this I'm unsure, but I do know that he is currently sharing a history project with her, I also knew that the boy clearly had a thing for redheads. Obviously she did not take this lightly, in fact she was currently in the midst of chewing his ears off about it as I sit back, trying not to take sides, despite secretly knowing if it were Billy I'd be exactly the same as Jo right now. I sigh, quickly shaking my head and attempting to rid myself of his name. I still wasn't ready to process the events that presented themselves to me a few hours prior.

Mick groans loudly, tilting his head right back in his chair exaggeratedly. The air in this shack was thick enough already without these two adding to it, now it had become unbearable.

"It was last year, Jo." You could tell he was beginning to become agitated, "I didn't say anything when you —."

He stops himself mid sentence, clenching his jaw before relaxing himself, "Doesn't matter. I just think you're overreacting."

"Overreacting?" She scowls at him, the disgust written all over her features, "Birdie, you can back me up here...please."

"Woah, I'll pass." My eyebrows raise in surprise and my hands shoot into the air, the last thing I need is to be caught in the crossfire.

"I'm so over this." Jo states exasperatedly, holding her hands up in surrender, "I'm going home."

"What? Jo come on-" I almost spit out my drink as I attempt to get an answer from her.

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