part 3

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While working on a dirt house to survive the night, RJ smiles "your welcome. Happy? Quit thanking me already..."

Taji giggles and helps him "sorry, I say sorry and thank you too much heh" she nervously smiles

RJ nods "yeah, it's alright- oh, I gotta fly us to see your expecting loverrrrr~"

Taji nods with a smiles and leans back on the couch

RJ sets down his controller and gives her the full screen with a kiss as he walks by "see you later lil miss. I'm gonna guess you aren't coming back to visit til the baby is born after we get there..."
He blushes silver and gulps "So... I like you Taji.... Just wanted to get that off my chest"

Taji smiles "...I like you too RJ...and...I can come over and visit if you get lonely"

RJ smiles before leaving to the cockpit "the only people id get lonely for are you and Russ...."

Taji smiles and continues to play minecraft till she sees something the corner of her eye and it turn into dylon to scare her. Taji's eyes widen and she immediately freezes up as he walks towards her "'re weak enough for me to posses you..." it turns into its true identity and giggles crawling through/into her chest as taji feels herself gasp and claw at the couch, wanting to scream but can't

RJ contently plunges through the portals to get back to Nimtunai with music playing

Taji winces and rests a hand on her chest and falls to the ground feeling her body heat up Except it's too hot and it feels like her insides are melting. She tears up and after 5 minutes go by, the pain stops. She pants and her body goes back to body temperature and she sighs in relief. Though sadly the process isn't over yet...

The turbulence and pressure gets intense with the ship passing through time and space.

Taji winces and crawls back to the couch still scared and looking around to see if the thing was gone

The ship plunges into the atmosphere, then the waters of Nimtunai with RJs voice going over the speakers "Taaaji, you're Maurixxi solution is on the counter of the lab. Remember, check out  the little guy for me or I'm coming down there and getting you in trouble"

"O-okay.." she says and heads to the lab and strips out of her clothes stained with a little bit of blood. She takes the solution and transforms back into a maurixxi. She then sighs and is ready to leave the ship

The cargo bay opens up for her to leave and becomes sealed behind her so it doesn't flood the cabin

"have fun Taj"

"By RJ..." she mumbles then heads out and swims off to the castle

It's just after lunch with Ten-Ten getting Russ to nap much to his annoyance- then promptly falls asleep. The baby is already taking up his energy pretty fast

Taji heads in and sees them then smiles and hugs ten-ten "I'm back!!" She whispers so she doesn't wake russ up

Ten-Ten giggles hugging her back with a little twirl "We have missed you! So, did you hear!? It is official! We have a royal baby on the way, and it will be a strong one from how much Russ-el has been eating and sleeping!"

Taji smiles winces a small bit "that great!! I wish I could've came back sooner but. Some stuff didn't go quite that well" she nervously says

Ten-Ten gets a small frown and sets her hands on her shoulders "is everything alright?"

"Eh sorta? Not really? Let's just say I'd look worse if some of my wounds weren't treated. The rest of my injuries are inside my body though" she says bringing her hand to the back of her head gently

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