part 6

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Russ leans back to look at her upside down and grins in his black fitted school blazer and long red slacked legs up on the dash "hm? Helloooooo~"

Taji heads over to him "sooo school?!" She asks in excitement

Russ grins flashing his schools badge patch on his chest "yeup.... This'll be fun.... At least for a week while I charge up the ship with new crystals, refuel, restock, ECT..."

"RJ said I'd be going too, as an exchange student." She smiles

He swings around and fixes his tie "no kidding? Wow, usually he's never on top of undercover papers. Guess he's not able to move around and organize like usual"

"Guess not. Either way I'm still excited about going. Kinda like a fresh start from what I left at my old school.."

Russ grins getting up "oh, I have a girl uniform around here somewhere- don't ask"

Taji smiles "I wont, I'm too busy being excited" she giggles

He sets it on autopilot and grins more as he hops upstairs with her "I'll getcha it and see if it fits. The skirt might be a little small"

"I'm sure it's not 'that' small" she shrugs and continues to smiles as she follows him

He pulls a set out for her with correlating yellow and red stripes as his tie and black blazer, but with a striped skirt

Taji smiles "looks cool!"

He hands it to her and chuckles "I think you'll do in normal classes... So you might not have any of the same ones other than gym"

Taji takes it and nods "okay! I'm gonna go change into it!!" She giggles and dashes off to her room to get ready

Once she's dressed, they hit the Earth's forces and starts to rumble the ship

Taji yelps and jumps onto her bed then finishes up with pulling on the socks. Then she waits for the rumbling to stop

Russ groans toppling over onto his bed and winces holding his head "ough... I shouldn't have let the autopilot enter orbit..."

Taji waits then decides to head over to Russ's room clinging to the wall still not liking the rumbling

He's laying on his stomach with his arms over his head as it pounds and throbs from the pressure "hngh... Ow..."

Taji wobbles over to the bed and flips on it then crawls over to him "you okay?"

He smiles from the blankets to her and chuckles weakly "my ears and head are popped and throbbing... I think the computer just dove in rather than orbiting..."

Taji frowns and rubs at his head to try and make him feel better "Hopefully it ends soon"

The ship rumblings do indeed stop, then Russels stomach lets out a little grumble of its own "yeah yeah... Ugh, I haven't eaten yet"

"I made some breakfast. Hopefully RJ didn't eat it all"

Russ laughs "right? He's been almost as much of a bottomless pit as me-and he's still got like a month left I think"

"Well if he did then I can make more" she says gently

He looks Taji over and smiles "that's cool- oh, that uniform looks really cute~"

Taji blushes "it looks okay. I'm not agreeing that it looks cute though"

Russ smirks "well yeah, it's a uniform. But you make it look cute cuz you're cute"

Taji blushes more "i-im not!"

"somebody's a liiiiiar~" he smirks poking her in the side, then scurries away to the elevator

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