The Ex

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Logan's pov

I stomped to my room before grabbing a bad and throwing my secret stash of candy, money and my phone in. I needed to get out, to go on a run and escape for a little. As I was getting ready to walk out of my room I noticed my drawing of Loki on my bed so I took it and threw it in the trash before taking the elevator down to the lobby and out the door.

I had been walking for about an hour in the rain when I felt like someone was watching me so I decided to head back. 

I was trying to find my way back when I took a wrong turn and ended up in an alley. I turned to leave but there were two men blocking my path. When they stepped closer I realized that the two men were my abusive ex and his friend. The avengers still didn’t know about the beating because they would probably kill him and it only happened twice.

"Do you really want to do this?" I asked, trying to hide the fear that was eminent in my voice. Before trying to run off using my super speed.

When I tried to run a spasm of electricity shot through my leg causing me to cry out in pain and fall to my knees. The men came over and started kicking me and calling me a freak and other terrible names. I saw a flash of green pass the entrance to the ally and called out for Loki before curling into a protective ball to try and protect my most vital organs. 'who needs a kidney?' However I passed out from the excruciating pain as my ex took out a knife and stabbed my side repeatedly.

Loki's pov

I was about to head back to the tower when I heard someone call my name. I turn around, looking around before seeing two men with their backs to me surrounding a small figure. As I silently walked closer I realized that the small figure was Logan. They were curled into a ball, bleeding from their lip, nose, a cut above their eye, and had a knife sticking out of their side. How dare they hurt them! I took out a knife and drove it into one of the men's neck and snapping the other's neck.

"Thank you" Logan whispered, falling in and out of consciousness. I ran forward falling onto my knees before picking them up and teleporting to the tower.

I ended up teleporting to the living room where Clint was pacing as Natasha and Laura were trying to calm him down.

"Bruce help!" I shouted to the doctor, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh my God! Get them to the medical bay right now I'll meet you there" Bruce said running to the elevator.

I teleported to the medical bay and layed Logan down on one of the beds before pulling a chair over to sit next to them. This is all my fault, if I wasn't such a jerk they wouldn't be here right now. 

Bruce came running in with medical supplies and immediately started stitching up their side before switching to their broken ribs and cuts.

Time skip one week

Logan's pov

I opened my eyes only to shut them again against the bright hospital lights. After my eyes had adjusted I turned to see Loki asleep in the chair next to me, his hair was disheveled and he was holding my hand, I blushed at the thought.

“Well you look like crap” I said chuckling softly as Loki's head shot up. 

“Are you ok? Do you need food? Don’t do that again! I’m sorry it was my fault!” he said with a worried look on his face.

“I’m fine Loki, it wasn't your fault” I said hugging him “I’m hungry can we go get some food?”.

“Yeah. oh by the way you are amazing at drawing” Loki said taking my sketch of him out of his pocket.

“Thanks! Also why were you going through my trash?” I said laughing.

“Oh. i suppose that's kinda weird. Anyway, about that food” Loki said holding the door open.

When we got to the kitchen Loki explained that everyone left for a mission the day before and that they should be back tonight before grabbing a book and going to sit on the couch.

“No, you're helping me make breakfast,” I said, yanking him off the couch causing him to fall to the floor with a thud.

“Ow” he muttered before standing up and straightening his clothes.

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