Curses and Blood

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Bella's P.O.V.

I sat with Alice and Edward in the living room in their house as we discussed the way we were going to hide Ella. Though it hurt to say that we had our very first fight and the reason for it was very stupid I just can't help but feel hurt when she says she's going to New York. Once everything is finished and I manage to convince Edward to change me. I'm scared she and I won't see each other again, that's what I'm scared of. But if she stayed in Jacksonville the knowledge of her being with Mom, calmed me, it just did. I was deep in thought when suddenly Alice gasped and jumped up, Edward followed suit and the rest of the Cullens was down in the living room the moment they heard Alice gasp.

"Alice?" Edward asks. Can't he read her mind?

"It's Ella...she's in danger," she says as she looks straight at me. My blood runs cold and next thing I knew I was grabbed and I was standing in Charlie's house.

"Alice where is she?"

"In her room, Bella, get a towel." I ran to the linen cabinet in the hall and grabbed a small hair towel running as fast I could to Ella's room. Ella laid on her bed, blood gushing from her neck while tears streamed down her cheeks. Jasper was being held back by both Alice and Edward as he snarled and tried to get back to Ella. I placed the towel on her neck to stop more blood gushing out. I could tell Alice was having a hard time restraining herself.

"Go..." I say and Alice jumps out of the window, Jasper in tow, the snarling and hissing were still audible from below but it was safe to say that, Ella was safe from Jasper...for now.

"I'll call Carlisle," Edward says as he pulls out his phone and walks out of the room. I nod and looked back at Ella's passed out and bloody state. Her blonde hair was spread around her head looking like a halo and her once cream nightgown was covered in crimson. She looked so beautiful yet so dead. I continue to try stopping the blood from gushing out.

Lucky that Dad wasn't home.

A gush of wind grabs my attention and Carlisle stands there and examines the wounds on Ella's neck.

"She's losing too much blood," He says, "We need to call the ambulance. This is too serious for home stitching. But we also need a plausible story to why she's in this state." He swiftly carries Ella and jumps out the window, Edward does the same for me and Carlisle places Ella at the foot of the woods. Thank God it's not Jake's shift tonight. As he places her down he slowly pulls out the scalpel in his bag.

"What are you doing?!" I said, running to them only to be stopped by Edward.

"Bella I need to make it look more believable, please forgive me for what I will have to continue. Believe me, it pains me as much as it pains you to see this." He says as he slices the small gap between the two bite marks open, a clean slice, he takes the scalpel and places it back in his bag and pulls out his phone and dials the town's ambulance and in a couple of minutes, they had Ella on a stretcher.

Edward and I follow in the car while Carlisle sat in the ambulance with Ella.

"What happened?" I whimper out faintly the image of sister's bloody body flashing in my mind.

"I don't know, call Charlie he should know." I nod and call Dad.

"Hey Bells! What's up?" He picks up at the 3rd ring.

"Dad, it's Gabby." I choke out as I swallowed the lump in my throat

"What happened?"

"She's in the hospital, Edward and I are going there, Dr Cullen is with Gabs right now."

"I'm on my way." He says as he hangs up, Edward speeds up and as soon as we see the hospital and park I ran out and head straight to the ER

"Gabriela Swan?" I ask, the receptionist looks at her computer and tells me that she's currently in the operating room. I sit down in the waiting area as Edward holds my hand, calming me down.

"I don't know what I'll do without her Edward..."

"She'll be fine, I know it."

Soon enough Charlie bursts through the ER doors and searches for me. I raise my hand and he walks towards us.

"What happened Bells?"


"It looked like she was attacked." Edward answers. Charlie looks at him waiting for him to continue.

"Bella and I were coming back from my home as we finished some assignments, but as we got there we saw Gabriela by the forest near the house passed out and there was a gash on the side of her neck. It looked like an animal attack." He finishes calmly.

"God damn, I told her many times to never walk around the forest tree lines. Why is this always happening to her." Dad says, mumbling the last part.

"What do you mean it always happens?" I ask and he looks reluctant to say but sighs and sits down across us.

"Your sister is cursed."

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