History Lessons

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Gabriela's P.O.V.

(3 days later)

I laid on the hospital bed, trying to get sleep to enter my system, I'll be here for a while so why not just get back the sleep I've lacked for the last months of school. God...what happened? My neck is killing me...

"Oh, you're awake Gabriela," Grace says as she walks in with her clipboard walking towards the monitor and the IV drip to check on my vitals and the vitamins going into my bloodstream.

"I couldn't sleep...what time is it?" I said as I slowly sat up, my arms feeling weak.

"It's about 8 am, the hospital will open it's visiting hours soon, what would you like for breakfast?" She said, helping me up into a sitting position.

"I'll be fine"

"You got to eat, doctor's orders." Grace tuts as she draws up the curtains letting the sun in.

"Anything will be fine," I said as I tried to dismiss her.

"Alright, cornflakes with milk and an apple, that ok with you hun?"

"Sure..." I said, Grace smiles warmly and walks out the room.

What on Earth happened? All I remember was Jasper and I kissing and...then everything was black...then a weird dream of a woman that looked exactly like me who claimed to be Jasper's lover. This is messing with my head. Grace comes back with my breakfast and I eat quietly as she tells me stories about her young children, Emmy and Kaelyn. After breakfast and Grace takes the dishes, visiting hours opened and in came Jake and the others.

"Hey...you doing okay?" Jake says as he sits next to my bed, placing the field flowers on the table beside.

"Yeah...I'm alright everything was a bit hazy...but I'm okay."

"You seriously need to stop wandering around...You know your sister's life is being hunted by a vampire." Sam says as he leans on the wall with a worried face.

"Not even, she's accident-prone, she knows that the woods and her don't exactly agree," Embry adds as he hits the back of my head causing me to hiss.

"Enough, all of you are just scolding her, she's been injured and in the hospital for 3 days now, we're here to comfort her..." Leah says as she pushes the others away making her way towards the bed. Leah has always been soft towards me. She grabs my hand and smiles.

"I have a request actually...can the Papa Kaleb help me remember what happened that day?" I said, clutching on to Jake's arm with my left-hand and on Embry's with my right.

"We can try to help but sometimes it's quite hard...we don't do those practices anymore you know that," Sam says as he walks over and pats my head.

"I know but...remember the time when Papa Kaleb used to say I had a past life?" They all nod and urges me to continue. "Well the night I first woke up I had a dream of a woman who looked exactly like me, she was trapped somewhere and it seemed like she was being held captive by a...vampire..."

"As papa Kaleb said before, you must be recollecting your past life...there's nothing really new there," Leah says as pats my thigh affectionately.

"But...I...nevermind..." I said leaving out the part of my interaction.

"We can still bring you to the elders and see what's happening, I mean it has been years since he's seen you again, he'd love it if you swing by," Sam says with a reassuring smile."Yeah, thanks..."


A week, it took Dr Cullen a week to get me discharged...God, what happened?Since dad was at work Bella and Edward drove me home and Bells and I plan to go to the Rez while the Cullens went hunting. Bella and I finally reconciled and we understood each others point of views...I guess whatever happened woke Bells up and it made me realise the care Bells hold for me...anyways I want to be at home now! These two are making me sick, publicly holding hands and stuff...me is a child, please keep PG13!!

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