Happiness and cuddles

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Florida Man woke up, feeling better than he did the night before. His head pounded less, only producing a moderate ache. His throat stll hurt pretty bad, but not compared to the night before. He was still annoyingly cold, causing him to nuzzle closer to his boyfriend.

He felt Australian Man stir and face him. "Are you feeling any better?" He whispered.

Florida Man whispered back "A bit-" He coughed into his elbow, wincing. "My throat and head hurt like hell still."

"Do you just want to cuddle and watch TV?" Australian Man asked quietly.

Florida Man nods and smiles.

"Afterwards I'm going to cook some soup on the stove for you. You haven't eaten in quite a while and you need to." Australian Man says seriously.

Florida Man reluctantly nods as Australian Man flipped on some Netflix. The show was put to 72 Most Dangerous Animals. Florida Man cuddled next to Australian Man, soaking up the warmth. Australian Man wrapped a blanket around the two of them.

A knock was heard and a voice came from behind the door. "May Ellie and I come in? We wanted to check on you guys."

"Come on in, mates! We're watching Netflix. Just don't be to loud." Australian Man says.

Ellis and Beth open the door. Florida Man waves at them lightly.

"Do you want me to make you sweet tea with honey? It may help your throat." Beth says, quieting her voice.

"Please?" Florida Man asks in a hoarse voice.

"Of course, Flor. I'll be back in five!" Beth says, halfway out the door.

"God, I fucking love her." Ellis sighs.

"Gay." Australian Man says.

Ellis elbows Australian Man, causing him to quietly laugh.

Florida Man smiled at the scene and whispered "We've been dating for nearly a week, Aus. So I say we fit the gay bill pretty good."

Australian Man flushes and Ellis chuckles. Florida Man grinned. He then shivered due to his fever.

"You're still warm." Australian Man says, slightly concerned.

"I am pretty ho-" Florida Man coughs into his elbow a few times grimacing, "hot, if I say so myself ." He coughs again.

"You're not just hot, you're perfect!" Australian Man complimented.

"I was joking." Florida Man whispers.

"I wasn't." Australian Man says.

Florida Man flushes and he nuzzles into Australian Man's chest. Australian Man chuckled, bringing Florida Man into his arms. Florida Man's eyes lit up.

"Bleh, you guys are to cute." Ellis says, sticking her tounge out.

"Damn right we are." Australian Man says quietly.

Beth walked back in with the tea. "Here you go Flori. Drink slowly."

Florida Man nodded at her, smiling greatfully. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." Beth says in a slight southern drawl.

Florida Man slowly sipped from his tea and smiled. His throat felt less awful. Australian Man played with his hair, making him smile wider. A yawn tears itself from his throat and he felt his eyes get heavy. Australian Man smiled softly and rubbed Florida Man's back, causing him to melt in his embrace.

A few minutes later, soft snoring comes from Florida Man. Australian Man silently cooed at his boyfriend. "El, Beth, do you guys mind making him some chicken noodle soup? He hasn't eaten in almost two days." He whispered, not wanting to wake him up.

"Of course, Aus." Beth says, concerned about the fact Florida Man hasn't eaten.

They both leave the room. Australian Man admires Florida Man, noticing his dimples when he smiled. He loved the way his eyes lit up. He loves everything about Florida Man.

He played with Florida Man's hair, smiling at how soft it was. This man would be the death of Australian Man. Florida Man sleep mumbled, causing the Australian to silently awe at him. He noticed Florida Man had had regained some color. That was a good sign.

His musings were interrupted by Beth bringing soup for Florida Man. Australian Man shook Florida Man's shoulder and said "Wake up, Flori. You need food, love."

"Mhm" Florida Man mumbles rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His stomach rumbles with hunger. He grabbed the soup bowl, hands shaking slightly. He ate slowly, wincing from pain. He managed to eat most of it, putting the bowl on the dresser.

Australian Man rubbed his back again, causing him to fall back asleep. Florida Man scooted as close as he could. Beth had left again to give them privacy. He noticed it was only seven in the morning and flipped back on the show they were watching.

He eventually fell back asleep, cuddling Florida Man.

Meanwhile Ellis and Beth were talking in the other room.

"I'm happy for them." Beth says, wrapping her arms around Ellis.

"Mhm. Wanna cuddle, Beth?" Ellis asks.

"Of course. Shall I flip on Grey's Anatomy?" Beth asks.

"Duh. First season?" Ellis said.

Without words, Beth set it to season one of Grey's Anatomy. She wonders how the hell she got herself such a wonderful girlfriend.

" 'Cause I love you, damnit." Ellis said. Whoops, has she said her thoughts out loud?

"Yes you have." Ellis said, leaning a head on her taller girlfriend's shoulder. They eventually got comfortable in each other's arms, knowing they will rule the world one day.

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