Chapter Eight (unedited)

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They were all eating together in a table, Nami was beside Zoro, Luffy was beside Dara and Usopp was eating in the end side of the table. Unlike Luffy who was chomping off the meat happily, Dara just went to take a bite of bread and sip a cup of tea, she lifted her blindfold a little to see. She didn't have a large appetite like Luffy.

Luffy and Usopp was conversing about Yasopp, who apparently was Usopp's father. Of course, Dara knew the man very well as she travelled with the Shanks when she was a kid but she was feeling a little bit shy and scared around Usopp, he terrified her earlier.

Nami asked Usopp if she knew someone who can supply them a big ship but he apologised and said there weren't since the village is small. Zoro points out about the mansion on the top of the hill so Nami asked Usopp if he can ask them.

"You can't go there!" he suddenly said, gaining the attention of the four as they look at him, "I-I just remembered something I hafta do! I have a lots of influence here! Eat and drink as much as you want! Alright! Later!" then he runs off to the door and off he goes.

"What a funny guy" Dara said while sipping on her tea

"Why was he in such a rush?" Nami spoke, still looking at the door. All of them continued to eat, Zoro gave Dara a plate of meat, she gave him a confuse look.

"You should eat more" Zoro looks at her, she was too thin and pale in his eyes. Luffy was about to snatch it but Nami swatted his hand and Luffy asked why while rubbing his hand.

"That's for Dara-chan! You are her brother, you should make her eat more. Look how sickly pale and your sister is" Nami scolded him making him pout, "Beside, haven't you eaten enough?"

"It's fine Nami-san, Brother can eat it" Dara gently said while smiling but the two, Nami and Zoro shook their head no, Dara whined, "But I'm full, I cannot take another bite"

"It's either you eat or we leave you here in this Island" Zoro warned her, Dara immediately takes a bite on the meat given to her, she force herself to finish the food.

"Happy now?"

"Yes" Both Nami and Zoro answered.

"Dara, ever since we were young, you never really practice using your powers" Luffy said while still chomping on food in front of him, "I never doubt your skill on swords and gun, but wouldn't it be better if you use your powers more?"

"I guess that would be better" Dara replied while eating the last bite of the meat. She gave the plate back to Zoro and he gave her a glass of water, she thanked him and drinks it. Dara continued to speak, "But that would mean...I need to reveal my eyes more frequently, I could use it better if I see the whole area"

"It's fine, it's just an eye" Luffy looks at her then laughs trying to cheer his sister, "You can cover it again later on"

Dara just warped her arms to her brother, she looks directly in his eyes since she lifted her blindfold earlier, Luffy can see her eyes all sparkly and large, she resembles a puppy with her puppy eyes showing him, "Why do I need to polish my powers if you or Zoro can just protect me"

Luffy laugh at her statement, Zoro scowled, "We aren't going to be always together you know"

Dara puts her hands to her chin and thinks for a second then smiles at Zoro, "Then, I'll always go with you. I'll never leave your side"

Zoro blush at her, looks outside to conceal his blushing face, "Don't be ridiculous, and just train your powers" She replied with okay

Since Dara was done eating, she adjusted her blindfold again to cover her eyes entirely, Nami observed her and spoke, "Is this really necessary for you? You look better without one"

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