Chapter 1

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This will start in the time of Civil War cuz that's when Ava actually shows up and interacts. 


Italics means a flashback

Bold is an author's note

Bold Italic means a thought

You were standing on a building, listening to the sounds coming from the building near you. It sounded like some kind of fight, but you weren't about to get involved. You knew you could kill anyone who got too close to hurting you, and you didn't want that. Your days of being forced to kill are over. Suddenly a man jumped out of a window and onto the roof across from you. He grabbed a backpack and started running but was stopped by another man in a black suit. He looked like a cat, or some form of one, but a human cat. The two began to fight and you got a good look at the man wearing the red shirt. Bucky? Your old best friend Bucky Barnes? That looked like him, but you had to get closer. Silently you crept forward to the edge of the building and turned into a pigeon. Yep, that's right, you turned into a pigeon. HYDRA had made you into a killing machine, you were able to effortlessly take down almost anyone, you were even better than the Winter Soldier. But what HYDRA didn't know is that you had gained powers in one of their twisted experiments. You could turn into any animal you wanted to at will, and anything you were wearing would change with you, so you would be wearing clothes when you transformed back into yourself. Because of these powers, you could listen to any conversation in secret, a fly on the wall. Literally. You could turn into a fly and buzz around listening for anything interesting. You, as a pigeon, flew over to where the men were fighting and took a closer look at them. Yep, that was definitely Bucky. But how? You knew HYDRA had taken him too but you assumed they had killed him after what they said.

"Your friend James is gone," he hissed with a cruel laugh. "Not one part of him is there, or at least that he's aware of. You're never going to talk to him again." 

The HYDRA agent mocked you and tortured you, but refused to remove your memories because he knew it would torment you so much more if you knew who you were. He made sure you could not escape, and you thought you would be stuck forever in that underground lab in the middle of nowhere.

Until you figured out how to use your powers. Then you took your chance, turned into a fly, and flew out. A fly was probably the handiest option when you were in need of a quick getaway.

You shook your head, fighting back the old painful memories. You didn't need to focus on what you couldn't change. Turning back into yourself, you shouted, "Hey! Ladies, ladies, you're both beautiful!" That caused enough distraction for Bucky to break away from Black Cat-Guy and run. Cat-Guy turned to you. 

"You should not have done that. Stay out of things you do not know of," he said to you, advancing slowly.

"Here's what I know: you're dressed like a cat, you're a good fighter and you were hurting my best friend. That's enough evidence for me to step in. Got that, Catman?" you spat. Cat-Guy snarled.

"I am the Black Panther," he said, drawing himself up with pride. You snickered at his statement. "And if you are truly his best friend, I should kill you too, for you are no more worthy than him," he finished. With that, he jumped towards you and scratched the air; you easily dodged him. Coming up behind him, you grabbed his arm and flipped him backwards, Black Panther landing on his back. 

"You gotta be quicker than that, Mr. Panther," you sneered. He jumped up and lunged again, this time grabbing your hair and swinging you around. You yelped. "HEY! NO TOUCHIE THE HAIR! OFF LIMITS AT ALL TIMES! EVEN FOR PSYCHO CAT MEN!" you shouted at him. He chuckled. 

"You gotta be quicker than that, Miss-?" he said, in a poor attempt to imitate your words, before realizing he never got your (superhero) name.

You rolled your eyes. "People call me the Night Wolf." Continuing to fight, you hit his back. He stumbled and fell, but caught himself and flipped, clawing you and grabbing you. You twisted the arm holding onto you with your free hand. He let go and you threw him into an AC unit on top of the building. He ran towards you, you braced yourself but he ran past you, confusing you. He ran straight into the AC unit and pushed off of it, tackling you and grabbing you by the throat. He held you off the edge of the building. You were struggling to breathe as his grip around your neck got tighter. You started laughing. "Mistake, Panther-Man," you said. "If I go down, you're going with me." You swung your leg out and twisted your body and in a movement too quick to follow, you kicked him where the sun don't shine. He lost his balance and went toppling off the edge of the building with you. Remembering your powers, you turned into a peregrine falcon.

Soaring high above where Black Panther was falling, you searched the ground for any sign of Bucky. You saw him running under an overpass and followed him. You turned back into yourself when you got close enough and began chasing him. (btw when you're at your best like when you're angry or sad and it makes you more powerful, you are as good of a fighter as Hawkeye, Bucky, and Black Widow combined, but that's very rare and not in this case) You saw Black Panther following you and cursed. Does this guy ever stop? you thought to yourself. It seemed like the answer to that was no, no he does not. 

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