Chapter 2

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If anyone wants to watch it ^^^

Bold is author's note

Bold Italics is thought

Italics is flashback

You were chasing Bucky in the middle of a road, Black Panther hot on your heels. Your legs began to ache but you kept going because, well, this was Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes. Your old best friend, along with Steve. You heard  the footsteps behind you getting closer and you looked back, only to see your old pal Captain America. Who evidently hadn't recognized you yet. You heard police sirens and internally groaned. This was not their fight, can't they stay out of it? They were shouting for Cap to stand down. You heard their voices echo down the road in the chamber you were in. You heard glass shatter and you looked back in confusion, only to see that Cap had jumped onto the car, broken the windshield with his shield, and thrown the driver out of the car to take his place. Black Panther jumped on the back of the car as Bucky ran on top of a car. Steve tried to knock Black Panther off the car, but failed.

Steve, you idiot, you realize you're leading him straight towards Bucky? If anything you're helping this feline idiot catch him! Swerve and drive him into a wall like seriously Cap!

You chased after Bucky, not wanting to turn into an animal because the authorities were close behind. You could hear many sirens now, and smashing of cars, presumably due to Captain America trying to squish them and Black Panther. Bucky dodged cars driving straight at him and hurdled some barrels. You jumped and turned on your back and spun to dodge a bullet aimed at you. Bucky ran out of the tunnel and grabbed a motorcycle, spun in midair and mounted it. 

Ok, that's one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I can't do that. Agh, Buck, why you gotta make this harder for me?

Bucky weaved through supportive pillars and turned, going into another tunnel. You would lose him if you didn't turn into an animal now, you had no choice. Not breaking a stride, you ran and turned into a cheetah, slowly beginning to catch up with Bucky. Black Panther saw what you did and decided it was now or never. He crawled over Steve's car and pounced on Bucky, but Bucky saw him just in time and stuck out his hand, choking Black Panther, but BP ran on a wall and flipped, nearly knocking Bucky off the motorcycle, forcing Bucky to use his metal hand to steady himself. 

You finally were close enough to do something, and you did. You bit Panther's leg and pulled him off Bucky, causing Black Panther to fall backwards. Out of nowhere, a man wearing what looked like wings popped up and flew by the man you knocked off the motorcycle. Black Panther grabbed onto him and was pulled towards Bucky; the man in the wings tried unsuccessfully to kick him off. Bucky grabbed a small round shiny thing from his pocket (why was he keeping a grenade in his pocket) and threw it at the concrete above you. A second before it exploded you turned into a snow leopard and jumped, a snow leopard being the best animal in this situation because they can jump 40 feet very quickly. The bomb went off and you felt the heat against your long, fluffy tail. Bird-man halted immediately and Black Panther went flying off... directly into Bucky. "NO!" you shouted, but it came out as a deafening roar, as you were still a snow leopard. Black Panther slashed the wheel of Bucky's motorcycle, immediately causing him to fall off. Steve ran out of the car to protect Bucky as the Panther and the Soldier rolled down the road. Steve tackled the Black Panther and he steadied himself with his claws as you turned into yourself and ran into Bucky to check on him. He looked terrified and confused, as if he remembered who you were, barely. Cap and Panther glared at each other. As the authorities pulled up around you, Rhodey flew down in the middle of you, aiming his hands at you. 

"Stand down. Now," he commanded in an angry tone. Men were all around you and you realized you had no chance of getting out of this if you wanted to help Bucky. Which you did, that was your main priority right now. Black Panther took off his mask in defeat, to reveal T'Challa, the king of Wakanda. 

"Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal," Rhodey said.

Men grabbed your arms and pulled you away from the group, putting you in a big glass tank like Bucky's. As you felt the truck moving, you looked at Bucky and smiled apologetically. He shook his head, saying "nu e vina ta." (it's not your fault.) I'm learning Romanian but this is Google Translate

"multumesc," you replied (thank you). You drove away, not saying anything for the rest of the trip, wondering what would happen to you and Bucky.

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