Chapter 4

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I did that drawing ^^^  I could've done better on the words but whatever

Bucky's POV

I woke up in what looked like an old warehouse. Breathing heavily I looked around. My arm was trapped under something, probably on purpose. I would trap myself under something too. Steve came in. 

Steve asked me who I was. I remembered his mom. Sarah. Steve wore newspapers in his shoes.

"Did I hurt anyone?" I asked nervously. 

"No one that matters," a man said. He fought me before. What did that mean, I didn't hurt anyone that matters? But I still hurt someone... doesn't everyone matter?

"I HEARD THAT, BIRD BOY!" a girl's voice shouted. It sounded familiar. She stepped into the room and I realized it was her. I had dreamed about her while I was with HYDRA. "Hey, Buck," she said, smiling softly. 

Somehow I managed to barely return her smile. It was hard not to smile at a girl like that. She was beautiful. Steve cleared his throat.

"Sam, do you wanna let her have a minute with Bucky?" Steve asked, voicing my thoughts... but in a gentler, less murderous way. Sam sighed and walked out with Steve. 

"Hey Bucky. Do you remember me?" she walked towards me as someone would to a scared stray dog. I nodded, causing a half-smile to spread across her face. "Do you know my name?" she asked.

I nodded again. I was searching my brain, struggling to bring her name to my memory. She seemed to understand what I was going through and sat down next to me. She set her hand on my arm. That triggered something in my head.

"Evelyn. Ava. Your name is Ava!" I said excitedly. I remembered! She laughed happily.

"Buck! You do remember!" she exclaimed. 

"Wait... I thought you died when you and Steve saved me," I said frowning. 

"Nope, unfortunately a HYDRA agent kidnapped me when I was unconscious," she replied. She opened her arms slightly, somewhat awkwardly. "May I?" she asked. Hesitantly, I opened my free arm. She smiled and scooted closer to me, giving me what was quite possibly the best hug of my life.

"I missed you," she mumbled. I missed her too, but I can't tell her that. I don't know why. She just makes me feel nervous, but in a good way. I feel all warm and I forgot how to speak. She looks at me like she wants nothing more than to be my best friend again. 

Could she ever be friends with someone like me?

I wish. But she might be afraid. Although, I admit, she doesn't seem like the person to be afraid of me, Winter Soldier or not. Suddenly the pressure on my arm was loosened and I saw that Ava had lifted the concrete. My girl. She's so strong.

Wait, what?

Did I just say my girl?


I'm so confused... no, it can't be. I don't have emotions. Or maybe I do.

Do I like Ava? As in more than a friend?

Well, I guess anything is possible.

The Night Wolf and the Winter Soldierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें