Chapter 3

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I'm listening to Sebastian Stan speaking Romanian and I'm sorry if this sucks but my mind is focused on him not this. That's the video I'm watching/listening to... I had a panic attack earlier but this always calms me down.

You were riding in silence with your head down. You were not "wanted" by the police, but now? You had just attempted to help an ex-assassin (it pains me to say that, Bucky is not an assassin, Winter Soldier is. Bucky is amazing and is in no way responsible for the deaths the WINTER SOLDIER NOT BUCKY caused. Big difference.) escape the authorities. The truck jerked to a stop but your thick glass cage didn't budge. They took you inside, still in your cage, and you sat in a room beside Bucky, locked into the chair in your tiny prison. A man walked up to you, he was supposed to be a psychologist. Something was off about him, he kept calling Bucky "James", which was his real name but no one really calls him that. He kept calling you "Evelyn" too, which was your real name, but no one called you Evelyn except your parents and... the men at HYDRA. For the first time you noticed a leather notebook in his hands. A small leather notebook with a red star on the front. You put two and two together... This man wanted the Winter Soldier -and you, who they never actually had a name for.

"Bucky! Acoperiți-vă urechile!" you shouted at the top of your lungs (Bucky! Cover your ears!)  but it was too late. 

"Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming. One. Freight car."

Bucky had been pounding on the glass trying to escape, he didn't want to be the Winter Soldier again; when the creepy man had finished speaking, Bucky had broken the glass and the Winter Soldier was free. The man turned to you. He spoke menacingly.

"Burning. Shatter. Forge. Dawn. Nineteen. Gentle. Seven. Reunion. Fourteen. Enslave." You felt your heart rate speed up at these words and you were now almost entirely under his control. He smiled at you, glad that he had broken you. He pointed up to where Tony and Steve were standing and something clicked in your head; you remembered Steve was your friend. Seeing Bucky or Steve would take you out of Winter Soldier mode, but you were smart enough to keep that from the "psychologist". You tried to keep emotion from your face as you stared at where the men were standing before running down a hall into what looked like a kitchen or a restaurant. You saw Bucky and realized he was still the Winter Soldier. 

"Buck! Bucky!" you called. He whirled around to face you and ran towards you. Knowing full well he was not about to hug you, you prepared for a fight. 

He thrust his metal hand forward and you blocked it, pushing it back toward him and he stumbled backward. You kicked him in the chest and he grabbed a knife. Bucky began slashing at you, you dodging and punching wherever you could. The blade of his knife caught your calf and you winced. Stumbling backward, he pushed you over. You did a kip-up and grabbed his flesh arm, twisting it. You pushed him into a wall, continuing to grip his arm, and threw him into a wall. He growled and broke away from you. You chased after him, jumping onto his neck and swinging around, the weight of you causing him to sway. You punched him in the face. Hard. He fell down and you threw him into a wall. He staggered, trying to get up. You turned your back on him for a moment to take the knife out of your calf. The wound stung but you had received much worse injuries before. But when you turned around Bucky was gone.

"Ava, you idiot, why did you have to look away to take the knife out?" you muttered angrily to yourself. You heard a helicopter and panicked. If Bucky was in the helicopter and successfully flew away, all hell would break loose. You quickly ran up the staircases to the roof. You jumped off the edge, turning into a raven at the last minute and flipping around before turning into yourself as you grabbed one of the landing stands on the helicopter, swinging towards Steve to get momentum and pull the helicopter towards the building. Bucky, in his rage, turned sharply and steered the helicopter towards where you and Steve were standing. You ducked under the blades, barely escaping certain death. Steve looked in the dirty window of the helicopter and tried to see if Bucky was ok. He was. Bucky's metal hand broke through the glass and began choking Steve. You tried to pull him away, but you were trapped under some debris. Frantically, you tried to push it off you to save Steve, but the helicopter fell over the edge of the roof. That gave you an adrenaline rush and you threw the metal on top of you. 

You peered over the edge, hoping that Bucky and Steve were ok. You saw Steve's head pop up out of the water. You stood up and jumped into the water. You swam out and called Steve's name. He turned around awkwardly, supporting Bucky was not making this any easier for him. His eyes softened when he saw you, then he went rigid with shock. He hadn't really seen you again. He thought you were dead, but then, he thought Bucky was dead too. 

"Hey punk. How's my favorite friend?" you asked.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, Ava," Steve responded.

You laughed. "I was talking about Bucky, you idiot," you teased, Steve making a mock pouty face. You felt a sharp pain in your side. You looked down to see that you were bleeding, some of the metal from the helicopter had cut you. "So where we going?" you asked him.

"There's an abandoned warehouse not too far away." You nodded. "How's your side? Don't think I didn't notice that." Grimacing, you looked away.

"I'll live. Besides, we got Buck. That's what matters," you replied. Sam flew next to you. After a small conversation with him you knew you would never really get along with him. He was too against Bucky, and you were a Super Soldier due to HYDRA as well, so he wouldn't talk to you. He despised you, you could feel it. Sighing, you went to Steve's other side, away from Sam.

You arrived at the warehouse and went inside, checking to make sure no one was there. Sam pulled Bucky off of Steve and dragged him across a room and "accidentally" threw him on the floor. After trapping  Bucky's arm under some concrete, Sam walked over to Steve. You death glared him, then walked into another room to tend to your wounds.

"So now what?" Sam asked Steve.

"Now, we wait."

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