swept up in a mob

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Novica: Lorie! Time to wake up. You overslept again.
Loren: Damn it, did I?
Novica: Yeah, you did. D'you know what you told me yesterday. "And remember, Novie," you said, "we got to get up early tomorrow cuz we gotta go foodshopping and if we get there too late there'll be people there who'll laugh at us." That's what you said, Lorie.
Loren: Uhhhh... can you give me five more minutes?
Novica: Seriously? I thought humiliation in the foodshop was one of your worst nightmares!
Loren: Actually, yeah, it is. Wait a mo. You get breakfast ready, Novie, and I'll be down in a sec.
Novica: Ok. You gotta put your make-up on, huh?
Loren: Novie, I already explained-
Novica: Yeah, ok, ok, I got it. You don't wanna get judged, blah blah.
Loren: I'm tired, Novie, don't I look it?
[Novica spends a moment carefully examining the dark circles under Loren's eyes, before laughing and nodding.]
Novica: Ok. I admit it, you look pretty tired.
Loren: So Mrs Hidlump will think so too, won't she? And she'll make some kinda crude joke about it intended only to make me feel small. That's why I gotta hide it with make-up.
Novica: But it ain't who you are, Lorie.
Loren: I know it ain't. I want people to get a false picture of me. Damn it, they already think I'm a murderer, if they think I'm also ugly that'll just make things one hundred times worse. I only feel happy showing my true self to you, Novie, cuz I know you only care 'bout what's on the inside.
Novica: I get your point. Well, wear make-up if you want, I'm off to make breakfast.
Loren: You're a life-saver, Novie, d'you know that?
Novica: Yeah. We saved each other's lives many times.
Loren: Damn right.
[Novica saunters out of the room, grinning, and Loren stretches before forcing herself out of bed. As she dresses and applies make-up, she quietly talks to herself.]
Loren: Well, I am in for it today. Why do I have to be so tired all the time? Actually, I dunno why I'm asking myself that. I stay up 'til one in the morning every night, contemplating stuff, stuff and more stuff. Werd's death. The Lings' cruelty. Novie's innocent loveliness. Me, my very own monstrosity. Novie'd say I shouldn't think things like that. But to be truthful, saying horrible things 'bout myself makes me hope, makes me dream, makes me wish that one day we will live in peace with this damn chaotic world. Freed from society. Living in the wilderness, maybe. I love you, Novie.
But anyway. That's the kinda stuff I think about, downstairs in the dark by myself. Novie's always upstairs fast asleep. Sometimes I wonder what she dreams 'bout. She never talks 'bout dreams. I wish she would, cuz dreams can show you a lot 'bout a person, and maybe I'd know her better if she did. I love her, though, and I know most of her, but there's things she keeps to herself.
Well. There's loads of things I keep to myself, so I guess I shouldn't judge.
And then finally I get shocked out of my musings at one and I'm so damn tired I crawl up the stairs, undress while half-asleep, and quietly get into bed beside Novie. I listen to her breathing, for who knows how long, 'fore sleep finally steals me away.
I dream 'bout Werd. I dream 'bout mamling and papling. I dream 'bout loads of stuff I can't bare to think 'bout when I'm awake. I guess my brain takes advantage of me and forces me to remember all my nightmare thoughts when I'm asleep. And so I'm tired, every morning, without fail.
But the day we go foodshopping, of all days! It was a week ago that I told Novie 'bout Werd, that I fainted, that I met and half-forgave Mr Haughton. I been avoiding him since. I don't want him to love me. I don't know why he does. Just cuz I'm pretty? That's a stupid reason to love a girl. Cuz I'm brave, maybe, and reclusive-yes, reclusive. That's a nice word. It's a word without any trace of other people in it.
Where's my concealer? Oh, there it is, never mind. Rotten stuff. Feels all weird on my face. This is unnatural. All make-up is unnatural. Novie's right about it. But still, I'll do anything it takes to stop the rude comments I get whenever I leave the house. Murderer, I know they're thinking. They don't say it, though.
What do they say? Well, it ain't really fit for anyone's ears, so I won't repeat it. I'm not ashamed of how I react, though. I spit at them. Disgusting, sure, revolting, uh huh, but damn it's better than the dirty words that are rolling off their tongues straight into my ears. And Novie's ears, too. I wanna shield her from such language, but there's nothing I can do 'bout this. 'Cept getting up earlier.
Damn it! It's all that time I spend thinking every night. I needa stop. I think the same things, over and over again. I wonder I don't get bored.
So it looks like I'm gonna get badly ridiculed this morning. Lipstick, lipstick, lipstick-ah! Lipstick. I admit, the lipstick ain't really necessary, but my lips are always cracking and bleeding cuz they're so dry, so I like to hide that. Ok. I think I'm done.
Novica: Yeah?
Loren: Is it ready? Cuz I'm ready.
Novica: Uh huh. It been ready for ages now. Your toast's pretty cold, hope you don't mind.
Loren: I'm used to cold stuff. Ok, I'm on my way.
[Loren descends the stairs fully dressed and with a face of make-up. Novica has buttered a couple of pieces of toast and has been patiently waiting for her sisling before starting her breakfast.]
Loren: Hi.
Novica: Hi. Took you long enough.
Loren: Mm. I was thinking.
Novica: 'Bout...?
Loren: 'Bout how we're gonna get laughed at cuz I woke up late, and how damn tired I am.
Novica: You need to go to bed earlier. See, you make me go to bed early, even though you don't do it yourself. And then I wake up all ready for the day and optimistic and you wake up groaning that you want five more minutes. How does that work, huh?
Loren: Yeah, I know, I ain't perfect, but something about the night makes me want to sink into it and be alone with my thoughts. Something about it calms me down, makes me remember who I am.
Novica: You are Loren Seen.
Loren: I know I am. But aren't I more than just a name?
Novica: Sure you are. A name's a label. It don't mean nothing.
Loren: Too true. The dictionary says the name Loren means a laurel tree, what means honour and victory. Me? Honourable or victorious? No way. Never. The dictionary lies.
Novica: What's my name mean?
Loren: Your name? Oh yeah, I do remember looking up "Novica" once before. I think it meant independence and determination.
Novica: Damn, really?
Loren: I think so.
Novica: D'you think I'm like that, Lorie? Independent and determined?
Loren: I think you are, actually. It's funny. You actually live up to your name. Mamling chose it for you. She never told me why, but I guess she'd spent some time thinking 'bout it while she was in the hospital.
Novica: She was so nice to give me her life blood. I'd be dead if she hadn't.
Loren: If she hadn't, you would both be dead. And it's better for one of you to be dead than both of you, isn't it?
Novica: Yeah, but I still wish she was alive.
Loren: Of course you do. But c'mon, there's no need to dwell on the past-it's happened now.
Novica: I wish you would think that way about Werd.
Loren: I try to, I really try.
[After this the girls eat their breakfasts in silence. Novica finishes first, and starts tapping her fork on the side of her plate.]
Loren: Novie, stop that.
Novica: Sorry. My fingers were wanting desperately to fiddle with something.
Loren: You bored?
Novica: Uh huh. And I'm scared. I'm scared for going to the foodshop.
Loren: Look, you just ignore them. We'll just walk right on past. Cuz if one of 'em even touches you I will blow his brains out, no kidding, so there's nothing to worry 'bout.
Novica: Lorie, would you actually do that?
Loren: I dunno. Maybe. If I had enough adrenaline, then I would. But there'd have to be no second thought. I'd have to just do it. No looking back.
Novica: Ain't it true that if you got enough adrenaneline-
Loren: Adrenaline?
Novica: Yeah, adrenaline, ain't it true that if you got enough of it you can do anything without even really meaning to do it?
Loren: I mean, I've heard stories. People have killed others without meaning to just from having so much adrenaline they ain't really in control of themselves anymore.
Novica: That's scary. It never happened to you?
Loren: No, never to me. Although, I guess the time I slapped that boy who was calling me and Werd girlfriend and boyfriend might kinda count. I didn't really mean to slap him, but at the same time, I really did.
Novica: Was it scary?
Loren: No. It felt good.
Novica: Huh. Well, you finished yet?
Loren: Yeah. C'mon, you ready for the foodshop?
Novica: You bet I am. I'm scared though.
Loren: Don't be.
[The sislings leave the table and swiftly put on coats and shoes. Novica is shaking slightly, but every time it become violent Loren puts a gentle hand on her sisling's shoulder and the shaking stops. Loren is trying to disguise the fact that she herself is sweating.]
Loren: You ready?
Novica: As ready as I'll ever be.
[Novica tries to smile. Loren takes her hand, unlocks the door and they leave the house, shutting the door quietly but firmly behind them. Slowly but surely, they begin to walk to the foodshop.]
Novica: I can't see any people.
Loren: No, me neither. D'you think something's up?
Novica: Could be. Now I'm scared again, Lorie.
Loren: No. This is a good thing. No people to laugh and jeer at us.
Novica: What if everyone's left the city?
Loren: Well, why would they do that? And wouldn't we already know about it?
Novica: Yeah, we probably would, but still-the whole thing gives me the shivers.
[Loren steadies her sisling once more. Suddenly Novica notices something else, which makes her huddle closer to her sisling in terror.]
Novica: Lorie, look-all the lights are out in all the windows. The streets are deserted. Everyone's gone. They really are-gone.
Loren: They ain't gone. I'm sure there's a perfectly plausible reason for all of-
Novica: Lorie, shhh. D'you hear that?
[Loren falls silent and listens carefully. Then she hears it-a series of shouts, coming from so far away they only sound like mumbles. She furrows her brow, noticing that the shouts grow louder with every step they take. Then she stops dead.]
Loren: What could it be? Damn it, I know where it's coming from, anyways.
Novica: What, where's it coming from, Lorie?
Loren: Ugh. The foodshop.
Novica: Oh no! But that's where we're going!
Loren: Exactly.
Novica: Should we... turn back?
Loren: No. I wanna find out what's going on. We'll push on, and if we find out it's something really damn bad, then of course we'll turn back. I'm as scared as you, Novie, and I'm not putting us in any danger, I'm just so intrigued as to what it is. I've never seen anything like this before.
Novica: Ok, but please, Lorie, please, the moment you see anything scary-looking, promise we'll turn around, straight away. You might want to find out more, but I'm terrified already.
Loren: I promise, then. Happy now?
Novica: Yes. Well, no. But let's go.
[Loren ups their pace a little and the sislings cautiously turn the street corner. Seeing nothing, they carry on walking. They both know that the foodshop lies around the next corner, and each stiffens slightly as they can finally discern what the shouting voices are saying.]
Loren: What the-?
Novica: They're saying our names, Lorie.
[The shouting is produced from the voices of many people all speaking together. They are repeating the same phrases over and over again. "Down with Loren! Down with Novica! Down with the Seens! Avenge Edwerd Ling!" As it starts again, Loren pauses. "Down with Loren! Down with Novica! Down with the Seens! Bring Edwerd Ling to justice!" Loren and Novica exchange looks.]
Loren: It's a mob. A mob, for sure.
Novica: They're gonna kill us if we go over there, aren't they, Lorie?
[Loren does not reply; she seems to be thinking. Then she clicks her fingers, and turns back to her sisling.]
Loren: Mrs Hidlump, that witch! She must've told people that we always go to the foodshop on Wednesdays, so that's why they decided to get together and make this mob today. Oh, if I could get my hands on her-
Novica: Lorie, you promised if we heard or saw anything scary we would turn around right away! And this is pretty damn scary, so can we go now?
Loren: I just want to see-
Novica: Lorie!
Loren: I know, I know, but I just wanna see if they're actually blocking the foodshop entrance, cuz if they aren't, we might be able to sneak in.
Novica: That'd be really dangerous, Lorie!
Loren: Better than starving, though.
Novica: Ok, yes, it would be better than starving, but you said you're not putting us into any danger!
Loren: And I'm not. This ain't dangerous. As long as we do it right, and we aren't seen.
Novica: That sounds pretty dangerous to me.
Loren: C'mon, Novie, it'll be fine.
[Sighing, Novica nods her head.]
Novica: I do way too much for you, Lorie.
Loren: I know. And I'm very grateful to have a sisling like you. C'mon then. It's now or never.
[The girls tiptoe along the street. When they reach the corner, they slow down. Loren peers around the corner. She gasps. There is a large gathering of people-half the people in the whole of Ling, Loren decides-guarding the foodshop and chanting. "Down with Loren! Down with Novica! Down with the Seens! Avenge Edwerd Ling!"
Looking closely, Loren sees that the actual entrance to the foodshop is unguarded, and, if she was careful, she could slip in unnoticed. Of course, Mrs Hidlump would notice her and most likely notify the mob, but she could deal with that later. Now her attentions are focused on getting into the foodshop, with Novica.
Meanwhile, Novica fidgets uncomfortably behind her. She whispers in Loren's ear.]
Novica: Hey! What can you see?
Loren: There's a lot of people, Novie, but I think, if we're careful, then maybe we could-
Novica: Oh, no! Don't tell me we're gonna try and get inside the foodshop!
Loren: You bet we are.
[Novica puts her hands to the sides of her face and groans loudly. Loren swiftly hushes her, although the roar of the mob is so loud she could hardly expect Novica's groaning to be heard.]
Novica: Damn it! We're gonna die, Lorie!
Loren: We ain't gonna die.
Novica: If they see us-
Loren: They won't see us. That's the thing. We'll be super quiet, super stealthy, and we'll get inside. Then I'll hit Mrs Hidlump's head with a can or something hard so she can't tell the mob that we're here. See? Totally foolproof. They ain't gonna see us, Novie, we'll be completely safe.
Novica: What if you can't knock out Mrs Hidlump?
Loren: Oh, trust me, Novie, that adrenaline's running through my blood right now. I won't hesitate for a second. She'll be unconscious on the floor before she even knows what's happening.
Novica: I'm damn scared, Lorie.
Loren: Me, too.
Novica: Can't we just go home cuz we're both so scared?
Loren: No. We gotta at least try. Look, if you get scared I won't force you to come with me. I'll do it by myself.
Novica: No, Lorie, if you're doing it, I'm doing it. What if something happened to you?
Loren: Nothing will. Ok. Now that's settled, you ready to go?
Novica: No.
Loren: Ok then. Let's go.
[The sislings creep silently around the corner. The mob does not even notice them-they are too engrossed in their shouting. When they shout, "Down with Novica!", Novica quakes a little, but she manages to keep on going. The girls reach the entrance to the foodshop, and they slip inside.]
Loren: Hi, Mrs Hidlump.
[The old woman's face puckers up like she's just eaten a lemon. Eventually she manages to hiss at them. "You little devils! How did you manage to get past my mob?"]
Loren: Ha. I had a hunch you might be behind this. Well, Mrs Hidlump, the truth is, we are in fact ethereal beings, able to slip past anyone unnoticed. Yes, that's right, we are not of this world.
[Loren smiles to herself as she tells the lie, hoping it will scare the old woman. She gets a rush of satisfaction to see Mrs Hidlump stepping back a little, although she retains her expression of absolute loathing. "You fiends," she growls in a low voice.]
Loren: And you see, Mrs Hidlump, being an ethereal being does not just mean being able to get past mobs without being seen. It also means we can do things like this.
[And with that Loren runs at Mrs Hidlump, who immediately turns deathly white and makes an attempt to run away. As she passes, Loren grabs a can of baked beans on the shelf. When she sees the can in Loren's hand, Mrs Hidlump falls backwards. Loren stands over the quivering old lady, ready to attack, when all of a sudden she receives a flash of memory.
Suddenly she is standing in the playground at her old school. She watches her younger self slap a boy. Her heart shakes when she sees the boy with mouse-brown hair standing behind the young Loren. Without another thought she runs forward and hugs him, but he does not notice her. There is a look of loving awe fixed on his face as he watches the young Loren. Loren whispers gently to him.]
Loren: Werd.
[He does not respond. Then the memory falls away, closely followed by another.
Loren watches once again as her loved one is killed. She sees her past self banging on the glass and vomiting on Mrs Ling, who is smiling with a look of cruel satisfaction on her face. Loren walks straight through the glass as if she is air, and there he is, staring back at her. The axe is lowering in the air. Loren gives him one kiss before the axe falls, and young Edwerd's eyes go glassy. Then all of a sudden Loren is back in the foodshop, standing over the terrified Mrs Hidlump who is begging for mercy. Loren begins to cry.]
Loren: Forgive me, Novie. I can't do it.
[Novica is still standing at the back of the foodshop. She hears what her sisling says, but she cannot see her face. She is puzzled.]
Novica: Lorie, what d'you mean?
Loren: I mean I'm a coward. I mean I can't do it.
Novica: But-
[Unfortunately, the old crone takes advantage of Loren's distraction. She leaps up with an energy that is surely impossible for someone of her age, and runs out of the shop before either Loren or Novica has time to react. The sislings both wince as they hear what she yells at the mob. "They're in the foodshop! They're in my foodshop, you nitwits! They snuck past you!"]
Novica: Oh, no, Lorie, this is bad, this is really really bad-
Loren: Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot is all. But c'mon. I think there's only one thing for it now.
[Loren listens as the mob lets out a war cry outside the shop. Then she hears something like roll of thunder, which is the sound of lots of footsteps at the same time. She hastens towards Novica.]
Loren: Run.
[And they run. Out of the foodshop, into the street. Unfortunately, the mob is too quick for them. They spot the two girls running desperately, and Loren and Novica are immediately swept up in it. The mob begin a different chant. "Kill Loren! Kill Novica! Kill the Seens! Avenge Edwerd Ling!" The sislings are carried on the mob towards the centre of it, where they are dropped on the ground. Every person there is armed with a knife, and now they stand over the girls, still repeating the chant. Novica puts her arms up to protect herself. Loren does the same. "Any last words?" shouts the mob.]
Loren: I am innocent.
Novica: You are all monsters.
Loren: Well said, Novie.
[The knives begin to lower in the air. All of a sudden, they are interrupted by a shout from another direction. "Everyone step back!" the voice yells. Some of the members of the mob seem confused, and look around for the source of the voice. When they see it they go rigid and immediately lower their knives. Loren and Novica cautiously sit up, but from where they are, enclosed by the mob, they cannot see who it is. The person continues talking: "I said can everyone step back please, I would like to get through. Thank you. A bit further. Good, that's good. Perfect." A man leans over the girls. Loren freezes when she sees him, but Novica does not recognise him.]
Loren: What are you doing here?
Novica: Lorie?
[The man smiles. He offers Loren his hand. "Rescuing you from certain death," he says. Loren does not take his hand, but instead gets to her feet and tries to walk away, but he stops her. He addresses the mob. "I would like all of you to return to your houses."
A few members of the mob mumble, "A punishment? Any punishment?"
The man shakes his head at them all. "No punishment," he says. "But we would like some privacy, if you would be so kind." He turns to the old lady standing a few feet back, gazing at the scene with mingled astonishment and terror. "Return to your foodshop, Mrs Hidlump," he orders. She immediately does so. Soon the area is completely silent, everyone having returned to their homes. "Now," he muses, looking at the girls.]
Loren: Get out of here. We need to do our foodshopping. We don't want anything to do with you, do we, Novie?
Novica: But Lorie, I don't know who he is!
[The man laughs grimly, and extends his hand towards Novica who bemusedly takes it. They shake hands. "No, I do not think I have ever had the pleasure of your acquaintance, Novica," he says. "Mr Ling. It's nice to finally meet you." He kisses her hand, at which point Loren loses her temper.]
Loren: You don't got the right to touch her! I'm not scared of you anymore. You leave us alone. You're a murderer, and we want to do our foodshopping, thank you very much.
Novica: Mr Ling, did you kill your own sonling?
[Mr Ling ignores Loren and instead looks kindly down at Novica. "It was entirely necessary," he tells her. "My sonling was a cruel boy. He understood others, caring more about them than he did for himself. He cared more for your sisling over there than he did for his own mamling and papling! Can you imagine?"]
Novica: Yes, I can, and she was right to do so! Lorie says you and Mrs Ling are monsters and can't love no one, so if you didn't love him, how could you expect him to love you?
Loren: Novie, I don't like you speaking to this man. We need to go.
Novica: Not before I give him a piece of my mind.
[Mr Ling laughs again. "I'm sure I would very much like that, Novica, only Loren has an aversion to me and my wife that she cannot shake and I don't think she would be very happy if I let you."]
Novica: No, maybe she wouldn't, but I got some things what I want to say to you. Like, why'd you circulate the rumour that Lorie killed Werd?
["Werd, hmm? Did he ask you to call him that, I wonder? Never mind. That was not us, Novica. We had nothing to do with that rumour."]
Novica: Yeah, right. Liar.
Loren: Novie, please can we go now?
Novica: Yes. I had enough of talking to him as well.
Loren: Good. You don't believe him, do you, Novie?
Novica: What? No! Never! I never would.
Loren: Thank goodness for that.
[Mr Ling clenches his jaw and scowls at them. "Believe me, Novica," he appeals. "I mean no harm to you or your sisling. Will you at least acknowledge that I saved your life from that mob?" Novica gives him such a foul look that he actually steps backwards. "And in case you were wondering, I did not order that mob to kill you. I mean no harm," he repeats.]
Loren: C'mon, Novie.
Novica: Coming.
[Loren and Novica are just walking into the foodshop when a voice behind them calls, "Wait!" The voice is not Mr Ling's. Novica spins around and a wide grin alights on her face as she sees who it is.]
Novica: Mr Haughton! Lorie, look, it's Mr Haughton!
Loren: Yes, I can see that.
[Loren is struggling to stop herself from smiling. Mr Haughton has seen Mr Ling, and his reaction is similar to Loren's. "What are you doing here?" he demands. Mr Ling looks uncertain.
"Why, Sobert, I was simply saving these young maidens' lives from an angry mob."
"That's what I was coming to do!" exclaims Mr Haughton. "And do not call me Sobert. I know now never to trust you again, thanks to Loren."
"Loren has been filling your head with nonsense, has she?" says Mr Ling, grimacing. "Sobert, please. I am forever indebted to you for the information you so kindly provided me with two years ago concerning my sonling. I gave you a quarter of my money, and this is how you repay me?"
Mr Haughton curls his lip. "I now wish I had kept that information to myself. Indeed, I would have done, had I known that it would be used to kill an innocent boy. Your own sonling."
"Edwerd's death was strictly necessary, you dirty little-"]
Novica: Both of you, please stop! Lorie and me want to go foodshopping else we gonna starve. So stop arguing. Mr Ling, you can go back to your palace or wherever you live-
["My palace!" Mr Ling laughs incredulously. "I'd hardly call it such-"]
Novica: -and Mr Haughton, Lorie'd be very happy if you would come foodshopping with us and then maybe walk home with us.
Loren: Novie!
[Loren tries to look stern, but she is blushing slightly. Nevertheless, Mr Ling reluctantly agrees to let them be, and, scowling, he sets off back to his "palace". Novica dusts her hands off and looks quite pleased with herself, while Loren and Mr Haughton laugh together. Then all three of them enter the foodshop, where Mrs Hidlump shoots a very sullen look at Loren, before remembering that she must be polite in Mr Haughton's presence. "I need alderling ID from both of you," she says. Loren and Mr Haughton present their cards. The old shop-owner scans them and dismisses their owners.]
Loren: (Finally, free to do our foodshopping! I don't know what to make of all of this, really. Seeing Mr Ling was a horrible surprise, in fact, I think perhaps I would rather the mob had done what they would with us. No, actually, that ain't true. But I do despise that man, especially the way he pretends to be so pleasant to us by saving us from the mob and all that. Despicable, hateful, murderous, feelingless man!
I really hope he didn't get to Novie too much. She didn't see to hate him as much as I'd have liked her to. Hyptonised by his charm, no doubt, like everyone else in this city, unable to see the monster that lies behind all the smiles and heartfelt words. He did circulate that rumour. Or it could've been Mrs Ling, I dunno, but one of 'em did it, no matter what he says. He's a liar, like Novie said. Ha. Liar, liar, pants on fire. I remember when everyone in the school used to say stuff like that.
I'd better give Novie a firm talk 'bout all of this when we get home. I was secretly hoping she'd never meet the Lings, or at least never meet Mr Ling. He's worse than his wife. Mrs Ling don't try to hide the fact she hate me, so I respect her more than I do him. Him who seems to me trying so hard to win my favour, when in fact he's just toying with me, seeing if he can get me to like him. No way. Never. Sometimes I wish he'd show his true colours, and the people of Ling would finally realise they are being ruled by evil dictators.
And Mr Haughton... Sobert, I should call him, really. He came out to save us, but somehow Mr Ling beat him to us. Another reason to hate that man. I have to keep telling myself I don't love Sobert, cuz otherwise I'll start to. It's obvious he loves me, and if I like him any more 'n I already do I'll be betraying Werd. And I can't betray my loved one.
He's talking to me, and I ain't even listening. I'm just looking at the curve of his jaw as he speaks, how it's just the right shape, and his eyes, what are kinda grey, I've decided, silvery sort of-stop it. Stop it, Loren. You're admiring him is what you're doing, realising how handsome he is, cuz oh he is-no! Stop! Novie, stop me before I do something stupid like kissing him in the foodshop! Oh. That stopped it, for sure.)
Novica: (Why're Lorie and Mr Haughton talking so much? Or rather, he's talking, she's listening and looking at his face all dreamy-like. Ugh. Does she actually love him? Can it be true? Oh, my mind's still whirring from almost being killed and meeting Mr Ling. Oh, I need to sit down.
See! See! She's puckering her lips, she is, like she's ready to kiss him. Stop it, Lorie! What about Werd? Don't you love him no more? Woa. That was weird. Her faced just changed so much. She looks almost ready to cry now. Must've been something he said.) Lorie, what's the matter?
Loren: N-nothing.
[Mr Haughton's words are still spinning around in Loren's head. "I'm really sorry, but just today I heard that the law's going to get brought in tomorrow." She felt herself almost faint with intense love and sadness for Novica. She wipes her eyes.]
Loren: No, nothing. Nothing at all. Novie, I got a few vegetables and some fruit and a couple of chocolate bars, some pasta, chicken, a tin of baked beans-you think that's good enough?
Novica: Yes, for sure. But Lorie, are you trying to change the subject? Cuz it ain't kind. I want to know what's the matter with you.
Loren: I told you, it's nothing. Let's go pay.
[Mr Haughton immediately steps in front of Loren. "I'll pay," he says firmly.]
Loren: Oh, Sobert-sorry. May I call you that?
["Please do," he says, smiling.]
Loren: Well, Sobert, that's oh so kind of you, but really, Novica and me are ok for money. You really don't have to. Thanks, though.
[But Mr Haughton isn't taking no for an answer. "Don't think of it like my money," he implores. "Think of it like Mr Ling's money, because that's what most of it is. Think of it like the money that payed for Edwerd Ling's death. After all the sadness that's caused you, it only seems right to pay for your foodshopping." Loren sighs loudly, and holds out her foodshopping.]
Loren: Fine then. Take it if you want it.
[Delighted, Sobert Haughton takes Loren's foodshopping and walks over to the till. Not even Mrs Hidlump's sullen expression can dull his spirit. He clasps Loren's hands as Mrs Hidlump is scanning the items, a move he will regret. He even has to stop himself from saying, "Loren, I'm certain we were made for each other." As Loren feels her hands in his her eyes fill with tears. She pulls away and rushes out of the foodshop.]
Novica: Lorie?
Loren: I do not love you!
[Mr Haughton stands there, dumbfounded, his hands still outstretched towards where Loren once stood. Then he drops them to his sides, and has to cover his face with his hands to disguise his feelings. Novica hastily takes the foodshopping before Mrs Hidlump has time to react.]
Novica: Sorry about this, Mrs Hidlump. I promise Loren will pay you back tomorrow.
[Mrs Hidlump, still somewhat out of sorts from the meeting with Mr Ling, barely has time to murmur, "Not a problem," before Novica runs out of the shop in pursuit of her sisling, leaving Mr Haughton quietly sobbing to himself. Mrs Hidlump impulsively says, "She's not the only pretty girl in this city."
Mr Haughton takes his hands away from his face, revealing it to be red and tear-stained. "She's the only one I could ever care about," he whispers. "I wronged her so badly, I will spend my life trying to make up for it. I thought maybe she would like my love, but it seems-" He cannot finish his sentence and instead bursts into tears once more. Mrs Hidlump offers him a tissue.
Meanwhile, Novica runs along the street. She is faster than her sisling, and soon she can see Loren's figure sprinting along the concrete. Novica quickly catches up with her.]
Novica: Lorie! Hey! Wait!
[Loren glances over her shoulder and slows when she sees that it is only Novica. They embrace.]
Loren: Oh, Novie. I've got myself into a right mess, haven't I?
Novica: It's ok, as long as you fix it.
Loren: But how can I?
Novica: Tell Mr Haughton you're sorry. Why did you even tell him you didn't love him? You should've seen him after you left. He was really crying. Oh, and I got our foodshopping, Lorie.
Loren: Good girl. No, I don't really know why I did it. When he clasped my hands like that all of a sudden it was too much-I told myself, "What are you doing, Loren? What are you doing loving a man that ain't Werd?" And then I knew it had to stop, and I couldn't think of anything to do other than telling him as firmly as I could I don't love him.
Novica: It broke his heart.
Loren: Did it? I didn't mean to-oh, I didn't mean to-I should've just let him, shouldn't I? It wouldn't have left me feeling so damn guilty...
Novica: C'mon, Lorie, let's go home. We're both tired from everything that happened today. Is it lunchtime?
Loren: Early afternoon. We'll have something to eat when we get back.
Novica: I love you, Lorie.
Loren: I love you too, Novie. Oh, dear. Everything used to be so clean-cut-things were either right or wrong, good or bad. What's wrong with me? I can't even barely see the difference no more. Mr Haughton's a good man, but right now I hate him; you see what I mean?
Novica: I do-but Lorie, I really think you just need some sleep, and you'll feel better when you wake up tomorrow.
Loren: (Oh, no. Tomorrow. Mr Haughton said the law's being brought in tomorrow. Oh, no. Oh, Novie.) Yes, I'm sure you're right. Y'know, I woke up this morning thinking it was a normal day, thinking nothing of consequence would happen, and then we got swept up in a mob, almost killed, saved by Mr Ling, and now I've broken Mr Haughton's heart.
Novica: You never can know which days'll be normal boring days and which days'll be something more interesting, be it good or bad.
Loren: D'you think tomorrow'll just be a normal boring day, Novie?
Novica: I hope so. Today's worn me out.
Loren: Yeah, me too. And Novie?
Novica: Uh huh?
Loren: Will you always love me, wherever I am?
Novica: Of course! Always!
Loren: That's a relief.

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