Dear Diary

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New York, September 28, 2016, Age 26

Dear Diary,
Today I have a date with Joe. I met him back in May at the Met Gala. We immediately had a connection. But apparently nothing happend after the Gala. I think that is because he is just about having his breakthrough with his acting carrier. He also lives in London which is why he's barely here. I started dating Tom who I also met at the Gala. It was so much fun dancing with him. However. However we broke up just a few weeks ago and I was so done with dating. But then out of nowhere I got a text message from Joe. "Hey, it's Joe. You remember me? I heard that you and Tom are no longer dating. I'm really sorry to hear that. Really but like I could not stop thinking about you since the last time we met. Sorry that's gonna sound really ridiculous but would you like to go on a date? Like today in a week or so? " I was a bit sceptical at first but then I thought what if he was my actual soulmate and I would never find out because I have missed the opportunity to go on a date with him just because of another stupid break up with some guy. I'm so tired of that shit. So I was like 'fuck it'. My heart is already broken so if he'll break it too it'll be fine but we really had this special connection at the Met. Long story short it's September 28 today and I'm so excited let's give it a shot.
Taylor 💕

This is the end of the first chapter. This chapter was just something like a short introduction how they met and what happend between May and September. Also this is a short chapter I know.

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